Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Why Are People Fearful Of Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming is a skill that has limitless potential when it comes to exploring one's psyche and understanding of the world. To be able to control one's dreams has a lot of benefits, but as with all things not so easily understood, many people are fearful of what could happen when lucid dreaming. But is lucid dreaming really dangerous?

The quick answer

Lucid dreaming is NOT dangerous. There have been no cases of lucid dreaming having fatal or critical side-effects. On the contrary, many scientific experts have proven that lucid dreaming is a very good way to help people deal with many things, from insecurities and fears to building skills and exploring their own personalities, and is a good treatment for regular nightmares. Controlling dreams gives people the ability to have strength and courage in facing fears and troubles, because despite experiencing it, the idea that “this is just a dream, nothing will hurt me” empowers the dreamer, and allows them to face situations safely, and conditioning their mind and having that carry over in real life.

But despite that, there are still some concerns that people often ask about, and these need to be answered to dispel lucid dreaming fears.

Lucid dreaming concerns

1.) Dream addictionOne concern is that people may end up wanting to just sleep their lives away and spend most of their time in lucid dreams. This is because of the amazing and fantastic possibilities of lucid dreaming, one that may be used as an “escape” from reality similar to how drugs are used by addicts.

There is a problem with this, because the body cannot always physically continuously sleep that long and that frequently. The body can only have a limited time of REM sleep (roughly around 100 minutes), which is something that most people do not exceed. Remember, dream sleep is different from regular sleep, and just because you will sleep for 8 hours a day, doesn’t mean you’ll dream for the same amount. And once the dreamer's body has gotten its required sleep, it will be very hard to go back to sleep again, let alone go and get REM sleep again.

2.) Dying in a dream – Perhaps the most terrifying and controversial concern is about what happens when the dreamer dies in their lucid dream. Opposition against lucid dreaming claim that dying in a lucid dream causes the dreamer to die for real, or stay in a “lucid dream purgatory” where they can be asleep for days, weeks, or even months, and if they eventually wake up, a long time would have passed and you wouldn’t even know it. This is often due to movies like Inception.

Learn the skills to unlock lucid dreaming fast and easywith the Lucid Dreaming Fast Track!

This claim is false. Dying can happen in dreams; have you not died in a non-lucid dream before, only to wake up in yet another dream, or wake up entirely? That’s precisely what will happen. Dying in a lucid dream may truly be a terrifying experience of course, with everything being very vivid, but the dream itself will not physically kill you. In reality, claims that people who have died in their sleep was due to dying in their dreams have turned out to be false as autopsies would often reveal other causes of death.

This is when the dreamer’s physical factors come into play. People with a pre-existing condition, especially heart problems, may suffer from side-effects, the same side-effects one may feel with actual traumatic fear when they are awake, like tightening of the chest or shortness of breath.  It is these conditions that may cause physical effects, not the dream itself.
3.) Losing the ability to distinguish between dreams and reality – Lucid dreaming can be very vivid, and can feel very real. Some people claim that doing lucid dreams blurs the lines between what’s real and what’s not, and may cause people to experience dissociation and being unable to live normally, having different expectations from the real world. This is a legitimate concern but one that is easily addressed by being well-informed and well-practiced.

The issue arises when people who have had no ability to remember their dreams before are all of a sudden thrust into remembering dreams due to lucid dreaming, and now have memories that they previously never had upon waking up.

One way to keep the distinction between dreams and reality is keeping a dream journal, which we discussed in a previous blog post. When a dreamer is unsure about what is real and what is not, consulting the dream journal can help. And in time, and with regulated exposure to lucid dreaming, distinguishing dreams from reality will be easier and easier.

But for the most part, people with an average, healthy mental constitution will almost always be able to distinguish memories from dreams and those from reality very easily.

Knowledge is power

As with everything, the best way to deal with concerns about lucid dreaming is through proper information and proper training. Don’t plunge head on into lucid dreaming without studying it properly, and preparing yourself mentally, emotionally, and physically. Our blog is full of information about lucid dreaming, which can help you understand this skill further.

One way to ensure having proper lucid dreaming experiences is to listen to binaural beats tracks for lucid dreaming, like this lucid dream playlist found in our YouTube channel.

Our most popular lucid dream album is on sale! Purchase this best-seller album for only $25.00 by clicking the image below:

Related Articles:

Dealing With False Awakenings
How To Have Sex In A Lucid Dream
What Is Sleep Paralysis And How To Deal With It
How To Be Part Of Your Favorite Movies, TV Shows, And Books With Lucid Dreaming  

How To Unlock Time Travel Lucid Dreams With Binaural Beats  
Reality Checks And Building Awareness: Triggering Lucid Dreams 
Set Your Lucid Dream Intentions: Why And How

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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Dealing With False Awakenings

The situation: you wake up, feeling refreshed from a good night's sleep. You go about the start of your day -get showered, get dressed, eat breakfast- and then step out of the house, and while on the way to work or school, suddenly find yourself back in bed, waking up "for real" this time. And then you ask, "what is going on?" If this has ever happened to you, and are wondering what the answer is, read on, and learn more about the phenomenon called false awakenings.

What is a false awakening?
A false awakening is when the dream changes into the dreamer waking up but is actually still asleep and dreaming. This episode can happen multiple times, can happen to normal and lucid dreamers, and when it does, can lead to confusion and amusement at best, and terror at worst, feeling like the dreamer is trapped in a time loop.

False awakenings are very difficult to recognize when it happens, because the dream is so vivid, and is virtually identical to reality itself.

Why does this happen?
While there are a number of reasons why false awakenings happen, many experts have come to the conclusion that they most commonly happen when the dreamer is anxious or highly excited about the following day. It is the mind’s way of simulating what would actually happen when the dreamer wakes up on the big day, with many believing it is to prepare them and make sure they are reminded what to do and how to do it.

For example, if you’re stressed about a job interview you’ve been wanting for a long time, you might dream about it the night before and be subjected to multiple false awakening episodes before finally waking up for real. The same can be said about a wedding day, a big vacation or purchase (which is common for kids and will often be when they first experience their false awakenings) or even a sporting event, leading dreamers to believe they’ve “predicted” who would win!
Learn the skills to unlock lucid dreaming fast and easywith the Lucid Dreaming Fast Track!
Learn the skills to unlock lucid dreaming fast and easywith the Lucid Dreaming Fast Track!

Escaping false awakenings
This is where things get a little complicated. As mentioned earlier, false awakenings are very difficult to recognize due to the vivid nature of the dream blurring the lines between what’s in the mind and what’s real. Oftentimes the false awakening episode is so close to the dreamer’s real life routine, that they won’t even do anything different that could potentially make them escape the episode. With these tips however, it can be managed and over time, it will become easier and easier, even leading to more lucid dreaming!

1.) Reality checks – the most common way to try and escape false awakenings is the reality check. This is when the dreamer tries to find out if “everything is in order” so they can see if they are dreaming or not. But this doesn’t always work, especially since, as mentioned above, the dream is so vivid and close to reality that it is hard to spot incongruities. But it still works, especially when you go about your routine and see that you now live in a 30 bedroom house as opposed to your 1 room apartment when you open the door to take a bath. Things like that can jar you and wake you up.

2.) Read, Write, Remember – This method is quite effective as it uses the brain itself to try and jar you from your false awakening. In a dream, it is very hard to write, read, or even just recognize words and numbers, as well as remember details from your life that involve words and numbers, as the parts of the brain that are involved in those processes are still shut down due to being asleep. So, to help escape your false awakening, add tasks that involve these in your daily routine: check your clock every morning, read a passage in a book or your phone, remember your home address or your own phone number. If you find yourself able to do these easy when you wake up, then you’re truly awake. But if you can’t even see what time it is or remember your own phone number, you’re still asleep and in a false awakening!

3.) Go with your gut – As simple as this sounds, people often miss it. If you wake up one morning and begin to have doubt, asking yourself “am I dreaming?” then you probably are. If you feel like something is off or amiss, even without doing a reality check or a memory check, then you probably are still dreaming. So trust your gut!

Once your mind recognizes any of these flags, it will usually make you escape the false awakening by waking you up, or by readying you to take control to turn that false awakening into the start of a lucid dream.

It will be much easier to deal with false awakenings, or even drastically reduce it from happening, when the mind is much more calm during sleep. Our binaural beats track for good sleep can help with this.

This track contains multiple frequencies from the Alpha and Delta range promoting drowsiness, relaxation and sleep. Divided into different sections, the first part brings the listener into a relaxed state of mind with sleep triggers. As the frequencies slowly drop, you might feel your body getting heavy. That’s normal. Allow yourself to flow in and out of consciousness. The next section includes dream enhancers and will help your subconscious mind create imagery, visuals, and taps deeper into your imagination as it uses Neptune's 211.44Hz frequency.

Listen to this track now! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

Related Articles:
Set Your Lucid Dream Intentions: Why And How

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Monday, September 28, 2015

How To Have Sex In A Lucid Dream

Warning: the following post may be of a sensitive nature. Reader’s discretion is advised.

Lucid dreaming allows you to be able to do many things, things that perhaps are difficult if not impossible to do in the waking world. One thing in particular has been the subject of debate between lucid dream experts and practitioners all over the world: lucid dream sex.

What is lucid dream sex?

As the name implies, lucid dream sex is having sex while in a lucid dream. The vivid nature of lucid dreams, coupled with the dreamer’s ability to control the dream scene, is what makes lucid dream sex lucrative to beginners or curious people who want try lucid dreaming. How can it not be, after all? It is a prospect most people will have at one point or another, to be able to be intimate with a long-time crush, a celebrity, an ex-lover, and so on, without having the face the hardships (or consequences) in doing so in the real world.

And it can be as real as it gets. Scientific studies have shown that the sexual act itself and the orgasm that follows in lucid dream sex, most of the time also include the physical responses as if it was done in real life. Increased heart rate, muscular contractions, and even physical orgasms for both men and women. This is similar to wet dreams that pubescent teens go through during puberty.

With that said, how can anyone not want to try lucid dreaming? Right?

Well, the truth of the matter is, it’s not as easy as it sounds.

Intimacy and connection

One thing that people misunderstand about lucid dreaming is the prospect of “doing whatever I want!” And while technically this can be true for many other aspects of lucid dreaming, it is not the case when it comes to interacting with characters in the dream. Just as people are not objects to be manipulated outside in the real world, so too are dream characters not there simply for use for the dreamer. There have been many cases wherein the dreamer, despite being truly lucid, at best gets rejected by the dream characters constantly, or at worst, transforms into someone mad, aggressive, and even looks terrifying and monstrous. In fact, horrible character transformations are a common occurrence in lucid dream sex, and it’s not because the dreamer is not lucid dreaming correctly.

Learn the skills to unlock lucid dreaming fast and easywith the Lucid Dreaming Fast Track!

It’s because when it comes to lucid dream sex, an intimate connection has to be present first, just like how it is with most sex in real life. Even a one-night stand starts with a spark, a common connection between the two participants, before it happens. It is a basic human trait to desire a connection of some sort. But because many people can easily disregard this valuable part of the sexual experience, what with being exposed to modern culture’s idea of being able to treat sex lightly and often the objectification of sexual partners, this is often brought into the dream which causes the lucid dream sex experience to fail.  Unless of course, the dream partner ends up as a mindless automaton (which can happen) who will simply do as you please, in which case, no connections are needed. But for the most part, this isn’t the case.

Make a connection. This is the key in initiating proper lucid dream sex. There are several ways to do this, which are, coincidentally, very similar to how one can make a connection in the real world.

  1. Talk – When you see your desired sexual partner in your dream, don’t just suddenly grab them and try to go straight to the act. Talk to them first. Remember that whoever that partner is, they are projections of how you know and see that person, from your own subconscious, and as such their motivations in that dream may not always be to have sex with you. Talking to them, learning about them, and in turn them learning about you, helps create that connection necessary.
  2. Keep eye contact – Just like how keeping eye contact in real life can show sincerity and being truthful, so too in the dream world. Eye contact is a very powerful tool, and doing so can greatly increase the chances that your partner will give consent and not suddenly transform into a hideous beast.
  3. Go through the motions – Whatever sexual act you’re aiming for in your dream, don’t rush things. Let go and go through the motions. Why rush things when you can enjoy the experience fully, right? Intimate acts like kissing, holding each other in an embrace, and so on, may be initiated by yourself or your partner prior to having sex itself, so this is part of the process. As well, rushing beyond what your sexual partner is preprogrammed to be comfortable with may turn the experience sour, and result in them rejecting you mid act or the aforementioned terrifying transformation.

Remember that lucid dream sex is a chance for you to explore your desires safely and in the confines of your own mind, so don’t be afraid to spend the time and experiment. But as with anything, practice is key, and if something goes wrong or not to your liking, just remember that you are in control, and can simply choose to wake up from the lucid dream experience.

And as with all lucid dreams, binaural beats can help! Listen to this binaural beats track for desires and get started on exploring the sexual possibilities of lucid dreaming!

Using a 13Hz binaural beat, which is associated to the physical body parts such as Parts=Pituitary,Lower Brain, Left Eye, Ears, Nose, Nervous System, and is connected to our Brow chakra, it holds the effects of Visualization and Conceptualization. Using the ever-inspirational planet that symbolizes beauty, Venus has an orbit of 221.23Hz, with which this tone on the Third Eye lets in a great flow of love energy and promotes inner harmony. Venus is also connected to the Brow Chakra, giving this cosmic music the effects of creative inspiration and imagination.
Listen to this track now! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

Related Articles:
Set Your Lucid Dream Intentions: Why And How

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Friday, September 25, 2015

What Is Sleep Paralysis And How To Deal With It

Sleeping doesn't always bring dreams, and when they do come, it's not always pleasant. But one experience can be so terrifying that it can scare people from going back to sleep once it happens. This is sleep paralysis and its nightmarish hallucinations.

What is sleep paralysis?

The first step of taking control of something we fear is to understand it, so, let's understand! Sleep paralysis is not some evil phenomena that just hits us with no rhyme or reason. In fact, sleep paralysis is a very crucial element of sleep, as it is the mind's way of protecting the body from being harmed when you act out your dreams.

When our ancestors first climbed trees to stay away from predators, sleep paralysis served to save their lives by not having them move unnecessarily and fall off the tree. These days, sleep paralysis makes sure we don't suddenly punch our night light when we dream.

The fear of sleep paralysis comes from one crucial fact: that while sleep paralysis affects most of the body (with the exception of the lungs so one can breathe) it does not affect the eyes. And this is where the nightmarish experiences come in.

Sleep paralysis switches on and off around the time when we are crossing from being asleep to being awake. And because of this, sometimes people tend to wake up while the sleep paralysis “switch” hasn't been turned off yet. It is a very disconcerting at best, horrifying at worst, feeling to experience being awake and not being able to move.

In the mildest cases, it simply causes the body to not be able to move for a few seconds or minutes. In the worst cases, the sleep paralysis includes terrifying hallucinations, which science has attributed to causing many reports of ghost sightings while in bed, alien abductions, and many more.

And because experiencing visions and hallucinations are part of the lucid dreaming experience, people who associate it with the hallucinations caused by sleep paralysis, and end up being turned off from trying.

So if this is a very real and terrifying risk, what should we do?

Learn the skills to unlock lucid dreaming fast and easywith the Lucid Dreaming Fast Track!
How To Map Out A Life Plan With Lucid Dreaming
How To Be Part Of Your Favorite Movies, TV Shows, And Books With Lucid Dreaming
How To Unlock Time Travel Lucid Dreams With Binaural Beats
Using Lucid Dreaming To Solve Problems
Reality Checks And Building Awareness: Triggering Lucid Dreams
Set Your Lucid Dream Intentions: Why And How
Fear is the mind killer

The best way to deal with sleep paralysis, and the hallucinations that may come from it, is first to be able to stem your fear. Once you find yourself in a sleep paralysis state, it is very important NOT to panic. Especially since, and this is very important, it is the same fear that one experiences in sleep paralysis that causes the hallucinations!

In a sleep paralysis state, your mind may already be in a half-dreaming stage. But if the conscious mind (that is, the one that is awake and unable to move) panics, this can cause the part of the mind that is still dreaming to conjure up horrifying visions and images. It does this because the mind will try to find “explanations” to what is happening and why you are feeling fear, to make sense of what is going on.

Oftentimes this is based on your own personal or cultural beliefs. Whereas the Japanese might find themselves hallucinating a kanashibar demon sitting on their chest, the Swede might see “the old hag”, or the American might see aliens trying to experiment on them.

But if you can recognize sleep paralysis when it occurs, and calm down while it is happening, not only will you greatly reduce the chance of experiencing terrifying hallucinations, you will also be able to deal with them should they still happen (since you are aware of your situation and know that what you see isn't real!)

Most importantly however, is that sleep paralysis is actually a -very- important element of certain lucid dreaming techniques, and can easily lead to astral projections and out of body experiences should you be able to do it with good control. So don't be afraid of sleep paralysis! In fact, we have previously discussed many different lucid dreaming techniques as well as different tips on how to start lucid dreaming.

One effective way to stop nightmarish sleep paralysis from happening is to lucid dream. To help guide you in the lucid dream experience, listen to our most popular binaural beats track for lucid dreaming here.

Using a complex pattern of binaural beat and isochronic tone frequencies dedicated to help you achieve good sleep and have lucid dreams, this 8-hour music track is divided into four unique sections. In the first 2 hours we've used frequencies that range from 3-13Hz (Alpha-Theta range) to help calm your mind and feel deeply relaxed. There is a pleasurable feeling of floating and it will give effects such as stress reduction, relaxed awareness, release of serotonin, and an induction to sleep spindles as your mind and body allows itself into sleep. It also contains triggers for creativity and imagery and access to subconscious images as you doze off.

The second and third sections contain more of the Theta waves, which are also present in dreaming, sleep, deep meditation and creative inspiration. As you have already fallen asleep, the binaural beats tap into your subconsciousness as your mind prepares itself into a lucid dream state. The music is more steady so as not to interrupt your sleep.

The fourth and last section returns itself to the Alpha range with a mix of Theta and Delta. This is where deep sleep occurs and more often than not, the dream state. There is a decreased awareness of the physical world. This section also contains the Earth Resonance or Schumann Resonance, which will leave you feeling revitalized upon waking up.

Listen to this track now! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Tibetan Meditation And The Singing Bowls: An Ancient Form Of Wellness

There are many forms of meditation, and each one has specific traits that suit many different kinds of people. One such meditation technique comes from the East, and has been used for hundreds of years: Tibetan meditation.

A combination of cultures

Tibetan meditation has a storied and colorful history. Hailing from the high mountains of ancient Tibet, the Tibetans of that time established Tibetan meditation by combining principles from India’s yoga, and China’s martial arts, in particular, Qi Gong. In fact, many forms of Tibetan meditation, such as Chi Kung, is known for yogic periods that involve animal-related poses like the Snake-style and the White Crane poses.

Tibetan meditation is also combined with other styles of reflection with the aim of visualizing how to achieve goals. For many, Tibetan meditation possesses a reputation of successfully breaking up the barriers within the body that prevent the person from fulfilling their potential. These highly desirable results occur when the circulation of breath is allowed to easily flow.

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The singing bowls

Also known as Himalayan singing bowls, Tibetan singing bowls are brass bells and are used as an instrument of healing. When played, Tibetan singing bowls vibrate and produce a deep, rich tone. These vibrations can produce beneficial changes within the body by reducing stress and harmonizing and balancing the body's energy system. Tibetan singing bowls can also stimulate the immune system and produce beneficial changes in brain waves.
Tibetan singing bowls are used for many purposes, including stress reduction and pain relief. But when Tibetan singing bowls are used in combination with meditation and deep breathing, the effects of the meditation can become amplified, giving even better results in terms of healing and wellness.

One more interesting thing to note is that Tibetan singing bowls may be in fact the earliest form of brainwave entrainment, as it creates a pulsation of sound that entrains the brain to various effects.

Why Tibetan meditation and the singing bowls work

The body and its parts possess resonant frequencies, and when one of these parts is vibrating out of sync with the others, out of harmony, it causes problems like diseases and illnesses. Combining the harmonious effects of Tibetan meditation and the singing bowls recalibrates the part that is out of sync and gets them to vibrate at the frequency of the rest of the body, in harmony with one another.

Tibetan Singing Bowls create a pulsating tone that feels good and helps you to relax. The more you listen the deeper you relax, as your brainwaves begin to entrain with the Tibetan Singing Bowl’s tone. The benefit of this entrainment is that your brain waves can be “toned” so that you can deliberately experience pleasant and productive mental, emotional, and spiritual states.

The singing bowls along with Tibetan meditation can also help balance the chakras; the sound made by the bowls coupled with the methods of Tibetan meditation can actually cause the chakras to self-correct, having them align normally and giving the person a very balanced and active chakra system.

Enjoy the benefits of Tibetan meditation and Tibetan singing bowls with our binaural beats track for meditation, All 7 Chakras In One Meditation with Tibetan Bowls.

Using carefully plotted binaural beat and isochronic tone frequencies, this all-in-one chakra meditational music track will help and guide you throughout your session. Each music segment will fade out indicating the next chakra point you need to focus on. Close your eyes. Feel the vibrations flow through you, and awaken with a much more relaxed state of being. Be One with yourself and your surroundings.

Listen to this track now! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

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Check out these amazing products:

Learn the skills to unlock lucid dreaming fast and easywith the Lucid Dreaming Fast Track!

Enjoy the benefits of meditation in just 15 minutes!

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Achieving Lucidity Through Napping: The Nap Induced Lucid Dream

Many people often associate lucid dreaming with sleeping at night, or long bouts of slumber. This is because people mostly experience their vivid dreams at night when they go to bed. But lucid dreaming is not just done at this time of night or during a full 8 hour cycle of sleep. In fact, one of the most effective ways to have, and induce lucid dreaming doesn’t involve much time at all. It simply involves napping.

What makes napping different?

You might ask, “Why does napping make you lucid dream more than a full night’s sleep? It’s short and done during daytime!”

And the answers to that are: timing and the type of sleep.

At night, after a long tiring day, nighttime sleep takes a lot of time to achieve REM. As we have discussed before, REM is when most if not all dreaming occurs. When you fall asleep at night, it takes 90 minutes for your first REM cycle to begin. By the time you reach this point, you are coming out of a deep sleep, making it harder to be conscious of your dreams.

But a nap doesn’t work the same. A nap is different in that most naps usually start with a REM cycle immediately off the bat. On average, naps of up to 45 minutes may include REM sleep, which enhances creative thinking and boosts sensory processing. It is during this time that a dreamer performing a WILD or Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming will have higher chances at success.

It is this consistent REM state the brain is subjected to regularly that will improve your lucid dreaming chances at night.
Learn the skills to unlock lucid dreaming fast and easywith the Lucid Dreaming Fast Track!
How to supercharge your nap

Napping can be made even better at lucid dream induction by two different things: the REM rebound effect, and proper nap times.

The REM rebound is a technique that hotwires the brain and manipulates the REM cycle, optimizing the mind for dreaming. Simply put, the method deprives you of a few REM cycles during long bouts of sleep and will improve the time you will spend in REM the next time you do sleep.

The way to do this is simple: wake up 2 hours early.

Sleeping for just 6 hours means you miss out on the last 2 REM cycles of the evening. The next time you fall asleep, the mind and body will compensate for this. Go about the day as normal, even if you feel a bit tired from the missing hours. And when it is time, take a nap.

While you can take a nap any time between the moment you wake up to the moment you sleep, the ideal time to take a nap is between 10am and 3pm. This places a few hours of being awake in between waking up in the morning and your nap, and your nap and sleeping at night.

Ideally, with these two pointers, your nap will start off with the missing REM cycles from your sleep almost off the bat, and if your lucid dream attempt fails during the nap, your chances at achieving lucidity at night will have increased.

Enhance your nap even further with a short binaural beats track for lucid dreaming ideal for napping, found here!

Starting with frequencies categorized in the Delta range, we start off by inducing a relaxing, soothing beat to help you drift into sleep but promotes an awareness at a subconscious level. The next collection of frequencies brings the sleeper into the Theta range, which is associated with deep relaxation and lucid dreaming. Here, the mind stays alert while the body sleeps. The frequencies in the Theta range are often used during meditation for inner awareness, which means that a person facilitates easy access to inner resources and creates space for inner peace and self-renewal.

Listen to this track now! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

Related Articles:
Set Your Lucid Dream Intentions: Why And How

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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Achieving Astral Projection Through Kundalini Yoga

We have discussed the methodology to achieve astral projection in previous posts, but there is one method in particular that awakens an inner power that everyone has to make astral projection much easier to attain, using yogic principles. This is done through the practice of Kundalini Yoga.

What is kundalini?

The kundalini, literally translated as “the curl of the lock of hair of the beloved,” is known as the sacred energy everyone has inside the deepest parts of their subconscious. This powerful energy, governed by the root chakra, is connected to all other energies of the body and is often seen as a living energy being coiled at the base of the spine, dormant in most people. This is why it is also known as the “serpent power.” When awakened, the kundalini aligns the other chakras in perfect balance and gives the person mental and spiritual harmony. Closely tied to Indian cultures since ancient times, Kundalini is rooted in a form of Hinduism.

But this power is not something to be trifled with and taken casually. Awakening the kundalini is an intense experience and as with any intense experience there are risks if the person doing it is reckless. Symptoms include possible headaches after each awakening experience, to being too hyperactive from the intense release of energy that the practitioner is not ready for. This is due to the fact that the practitioner might not be strong enough or mature enough to handle the kundalini, usually happening when the practitioner rushes the practice in order to achieve the results fast. As with all things, patience and discipline are key.

How does it help achieve astral projection better?

The benefits of having an awakened kundalini are vast, including having everything from a higher IQ, becoming physically and mentally stronger, improved sexual capability and attraction, increased wisdom and spiritual sense, and in higher levels, achieving psychic abilities, slowing the aging process, and the aforementioned better capability of achieving astral projection.

This is due to the fact that the kundalini being awakened unleashes astral energy that makes the astral body more attuned to the astral plane. As such, awakening the kundalini makes performing the techniques to achieve astral projection much easier to pull off.

So how does one awaken the kundalini? There are a number of different ways, but one of the most popular nowadays is Kundalini Yoga.

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What is Kundalini Yoga?

Originating in the Kashmir region, Kundalini Yoga, also known as the Yoga of Awareness, was officially presented in the late 1960s in the West as a powerful and spiritual practice, and is considered by its practitioners as the most comprehensive of yoga traditions, combining meditation, mantra, and physical exercises and breathing techniques. It is a universal method, and as such is non denominational and non discriminating.

Stemming from ancient tradition, this form of yoga is a “householder” path, that is, it is designed for people who have families, jobs, and live a normal life, as opposed to the celibate and isolationist path often followed by a traditional yogi.

The primary purpose of this style of yoga is of course to awaken the kundalini, to “awaken the power of the individual to excel—to experience their Infinity and fulfill their personal destiny.”

How is it different from other styles of yoga?

Kundalini yoga is primarily different due to its main objective. However, it is also different in terms of its class components; any Kundalini Yoga class has these six steps: 1) tuning-in with the Adi Mantra, 2) pranayam or warm-up, 3) kriya, 4) relaxation, 5) meditation and 6) close with the blessing song, “May the Long Time Sun Shine Upon You”.

And because it is designed for the householder, it is effective and efficient for most people, and quickly unleashes the power within in a disciplined, calm manner. It draws from the many different techniques of yoga, and it’s a safe way to stimulate the body’s natural resources and become healthy, happy, and holy—in body, mind and spirit.

Our latest binaural beats track for yoga is perfect for your Kundalini Yoga practice and can definitely help awaken your kundalini!

Using binaural beat and isochronic tone frequencies ranging from 4Hz to 7Hz, this is specifically for yoga enthusiasts and meditation practitioners who would like to focus internally without the distractions of a music composition. The binaural beats will help set your mind into a state of being, as the frequencies are associated with deep meditation, promoting calmness, relaxation and centering. Closely connected to the Anahata (or Heart chakra), this will provide a sense of balance, harmony with the cosmos and the soul.

Listen to this track now! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

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What Is Bikram Yoga And What Are Its Benefits
What Is Vinyasa Yoga And Its Benefits

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Learn the skills to unlock lucid dreaming fast and easywith the Lucid Dreaming Fast Track!

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Monday, September 21, 2015

What Is Bikram Yoga And What Are Its Benefits

Continuing our series about the different kinds of yoga, this next one is perhaps the hottest one to date, figuratively –being one of the most popular ones with over 1,700 studios around the world- and literally –because it’s done in a room that can reach 105 degrees Farenheit!-. This is the yoga style known as Bikram Yoga.

What Is Bikram Yoga

Founded by Bikram Choudhury in the 1970s, Bikram yoga has a storied history. Born in Calcutta in 1946, Choudhury suffered a knee injury when he was 17 that led Western doctors to believe that he would never walk again. However, having been practicing yoga under Bishnu Ghosh since he was 4 years old, he went back to yoga and found his knee to be healed. This inspired him to found Bikram Yoga, his very own style.

Done in rooms reaching 105 degrees F, Bikram consists of a set of 26 poses and two breathing exercises done at set time intervals over an hour and a half class. The poses were chosen by Choudhury from classic hatha poses and are designed to systematically move fresh, oxygenated blood to 100 percent of your body, to each organ and fiber. The poses which include triangle pose, tree pose, eagle pose and cobra pose, among other common hatha yoga poses  are done in a specific, unchanging order, in order to achieve the desired benefits.

Bikram yoga follows the 80-20 method and the exhalation method of breathing. With the 80-20 method, you take a full breath, assume the pose and continuously exhale 20 percent of the air through the nose. With the exhalation method, you take a full breath and exhale completely when you have assumed the pose, and continue exhaling while you hold the pose. These are very difficult tasks but are sure to give the results needed.

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Benefits of Bikram Yoga

The intense style of Bikram can also yield intense results. Aside from the flexibility and strength gaining benefits typical of many yoga styles, Bikram’s hot rooms which cause sweating can flush toxins out, while strengthening the muscles and joints; this is especially beneficial for those recovering from injuries.

The intense heat that also trains the mind; with students being encouraged to focus on the task at hand rather than the potential discomfort of the room, the mind becomes honed to be more focus and sharper, which translates to everyday life with practitioners being able to keep their cool while under hot pressure, figuratively. This is why Bikram yoga has become very popular with goal oriented, successful people, as they also get to practice keeping their cool in intense situations.


While Bikram Yoga can certainly be done by beginners, it is highly recommended that beginners experience an easier yoga style first before trying out Bikram, especially if the beginner has no prior yoga or athletic activity. Always hydrate when practicing, and make sure your mind is ready to undergo a trial by fire, so to speak.

If you want an intense yoga style that will surely make you sweat, then Bikram Yoga is for you. Our latest binaural beats track for yoga is suited for your Bikram Yoga practice and can definitely help get you started!

Using binaural beat and isochronic tone frequencies ranging from 4Hz to 7Hz, this is specifically for yoga enthusiasts and meditation practitioners who would like to focus internally without the distractions of a music composition. The binaural beats will help set your mind into a state of being, as the frequencies are associated with deep meditation, promoting calmness, relaxation and centering. Closely connected to the Anahata (or Heart chakra), this will provide a sense of balance, harmony with the cosmos and the soul.

Listen to this track now! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

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Learn the skills to unlock lucid dreaming fast and easywith the Lucid Dreaming Fast Track!

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Friday, September 18, 2015

Healthy Recipes That Can Improve Lucid Dreaming

Achieving lucid dreaming is not just about following the techniques and guides. It’s also about getting the proper nutrition and foods in you! Just like a high performance racecar, if you put bad fuel in your body and mind, things just won’t work as good as it should, and this will affect your lucid dreaming abilities. And it’s not enough to just eat clean. It’s important to eat right, and get the proper vitamins to achieve lucidity much faster and easier.

What are the critical vitamins?

Serotonin and melatonin are responsible for regulating your body’s sleep-wake cycle. To have the right amount of these, typtophan and vitamin B6 are critical; vitamin B6 improves melatonin synthesis, and tryptophan is converted to serotonin, and then melatonin in the body.

While supplements will greatly improve your intake of these to improve your lucid dreaming, (and in some cases are the best bet) where’s the fun in that? As well, taking too much of a vitamin in an attempt to make lucid dreaming better may cause some side effects. So it’d be much more pleasant to create delicious dishes that will be both yummy, healthy, and still lucid dreaming inducing! And then, that’s when you can take supplements to add to that if you feel like you still need to.

What foods are vitamin B6 and tryptophan rich?

To get vitamin B6, you need to eat foods like the ff:

1.    Pork
2.    Poultry
3.    fish
4.    bread
5.    whole cereals – such as oatmeal, wheat germ and brown rice
6.    eggs
7.    vegetables
8.    soya beans
9.    peanuts
10.    milk
11.    potatoes
12.    some fortified breakfast cereals

To get tryptophan, you need to eat foods such as:
1.    chicken
2.    soybeans
3.    turkey
4.    tuna
5.    venison
6.    lamb
7.    salmon
8.    halibut
9.    shrimp
10.    cod
11.    kidney beans
12.    pumpkin seeds
13.    tofu
14.    cheese
15.    soy sauce

All of these foods are best consumed at night for your evening meal.

Recipe Ideas

Recipe 1: Chicken with Paprika and Kidney Beans

  • 1 cup plain yogurt
  • 1/3 cup tomato sauce
  • 1/4 cup olive oil
  • 3 boneless, whole chicken breasts, with skin
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 4 cloves garlic, creamed to a paste with Kosher salt
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper
  • 2 cups cooked red kidney beans


Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Combine the yogurt and tomato sauce in a small bowl and set aside. Heat the oil in a large skillet. Season the chicken all over with salt and pepper. Saute chicken, skin-side down first, until golden brown, about 2 minutes per side. Transfer chicken to a casserole, and cover to keep warm.

In the same skillet, saute the onion until soft and clear, about 3 to 5 minutes, then add the garlic paste and the sugar, stir until dissolved. Stir in the paprika, vinegar, and cayenne. Add the yogurt-tomato sauce, and kidney beans. Bring mixture to a boil, then spoon over the chicken.

Transfer casserole to oven and bake about 15 minutes. Serve hot.

Recipe 2: Recipe 2: Steamed fish with salted soy beans and glass noodles


  • 700 g whole fish, cleaned (carp, barramundi or silver perch)
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 cup soaked glass noodles
  • 4 cm ginger, julienne
  • 4 spring onions, shredded
  • 2 tbsp peanut oil
  • 2 coriander sprigs, to garnish


  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • ½ tbsp salted soybeans
  • 1 long red chilli, sliced
  • 2 tbsp Chinese cooking wine
  • 3 tbsp light soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil


Using a knife, make 3 long diagonal incisions into the thickest parts of both sides of the fish. Rub salt into the flesh. Transfer to a heatproof platter.

Meanwhile, to make the sauce, in a small bowl combine the sugar, soybeans, chilli, cooking wine, soy sauce and sesame oil. Stir until the sugar dissolves.

Top the fish with the glass noodles and ginger. Drizzle over the sauce.

Quarter-fill a wok with water. Bring to a rapid boil. Steam the fish over high heat for 10-15 minutes or until cooked.

Scatter the spring onions and chilli over the cooked fish. In a small pan, heat the peanut oil until smoking hot. Pour the oil over the fish and garnish with coriander to serve.

Recipe 3: Pork chops and Squash with Pumpkin Seed Vinaigrette


  • 2 tablespoons shelled pumpkin seeds (pepitas)
  • 3 pounds winter squash (such as acorn, kabocha, delicata, or butternut), halved, seeded, cut into 1" wedges
  • 5 tablespoons olive oil, divided
  • Kosher salt, freshly ground pepper
  • 4 1"-thick bone-in pork chops
  • 1/2 small garlic clove, finely grated
  • 3 tablespoons coarsely chopped fresh cilantro plus leaves for garnish
  • 2 tablespoons (or more) fresh lime juice


Preheat oven to 425°F. Spread out pumpkin seeds on a large rimmed baking sheet. Toast, tossing once, until just beginning to darken, about 4 minutes. Let cool. Coarsely chop; set aside.

Toss squash with 1 tablespoon oil on a large rimmed baking sheet; season with salt and pepper. Roast squash, turning occasionally, until golden brown and tender, 35-40 minutes.

When squash has been roasting for 30 minutes, heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large heavy skillet over medium-high heat. Season pork chops with salt and pepper and cook until brown, 5-8 minutes. Turn over and cook until pork is cooked through, about 3 minutes longer.

Whisk garlic, 3 tablespoons chopped cilantro, 2 tablespoons lime juice, reserved toasted pumpkin seeds, and remaining 3 tablespoons oil in a small bowl to combine. Season vinaigrette with salt, pepper, and more lime juice, if desired.

Divide squash and pork among plates; spoon vinaigrette over. Top with cilantro leaves.

Recipe 4: Garlic and Herb Roast Lamb on Boulangre Potatoes


  • 2kg leg of lamb
  • 4 garlic cloves, sliced
  • few rosemary sprigs
  • few thyme sprigs
  • 2kg large potatoes, such as King Edwards
  • 2 onions, thinly sliced
  • 600ml chicken stock
  • 50g butter


Heat oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5. Cut small pockets into the skin and flesh of the lamb by piercing it with the point of a sharp knife. Stuff each pocket with a slice of garlic and a few leaves of rosemary, or scatter with thyme. Put in a roasting tin, season well with salt and freshly ground black pepper, then cover with foil.

Peel and thinly slice the potatoes, rinse under the cold tap and pile into a large ovenproof dish or roasting tin. Toss with the onions, remaining slices of garlic and a good scattering of herbs.

Heat the stock and butter together, then pour over the potatoes. Cover the dish with foil and bake in the oven with the lamb for 1 hr. Uncover, put the lamb on top of the potatoes and roast uncovered for 45 mins more. Allow the lamb to rest before carving, for about 15 mins. Leave the potatoes in the oven (covered, if starting to brown too much) until ready to serve.

Enjoy these dishes and lucid dream away!

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Learn the skills to unlock lucid dreaming fast and easywith the Lucid Dreaming Fast Track!

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