Monday, August 31, 2015

The Divine Chakra: Sahaswara, The Seventh Chakra

We have previously discussed the first 6 chakras, which cover the physical, the spiritual, and the central chakras. The last of the seven chakras is the person’s connection to all that is spiritual: the Sahaswara, and is perhaps the most important one.

What is the Sahaswara
Known as the thousand petal lotus chakra and the crown chakra, the Sahaswara is the top most chakra, located at the crown of the head. It is our source of enlightenment and what allows us to connect spiritually, to our higher selves, to every living being on Earth, and the universe itself, reaching out to the divine energy that encompasses all of creation.

Awakening and opening the Sahaswara allows you to access your pure undivided consciousness, and realize that you are part of a vast ocean that covers all thought and consciousness. As well, it gives the gift of selfless realization and experiencing unity to all things, and be opened to the fact that there is a deeper meaning to your life and that you are part of the order that pervades all of existence. A strong seventh chakra will give you a strong sense of self and of your purpose in this universe.

A misaligned or uncleared Sahaswara will result in feelings of lack of purpose, loss of self-identity, disbelief or doubts in anything related to the divine, inability to see one’s place in the world or the big picture, lack of inspiration, corrosion of values and ethics, and apathy towards humanity.

Physically, the Sahaswara governs the central nervous system and the cerebral cortex, and the pineal gland. Its associated color is violet or white, and it has no element connected to it, only thought. A misaligned or clogged seventh chakra results in various diseases of the nervous and muscular system, exhaustion and lethargy not connected to any physical ailments, light and sound sensitivity, inability to appreciate the environment, and skin problems.

How to awaken the Sahaswara

All this talk of enlightenment, spiritual connection to the universe, and enlightenment make it seem like the Sahaswara is impossible to attain unless you are a monk, a yogi, a guru, or some other spiritual acolyte or leader. However, this is not the case. One simply needs to realize that making some time consistently every day, just like how one would give time for brushing teeth or eating, is needed.

The main way to awaken the Sahaswara is through meditation, prayer, and even just enjoying moments of silence on a regular basis. During any of these, it is important to shut out all negativity, doubt, and thoughts of daily life, and instead focus on reaching out to the divine and the universe.

Daily practicing of these activities will increase your connection to the universal consciousness, and open your mind to the expanse of your outer world. It will open you to receive unconditional love, increase your compassion for others, make you more forgiving, and teach you more humility. It will make you realize that life is not just about yourself and your desires, but about connecting and helping others, and in doing so, helping yourself.

But while meditation, prayer, and silence are the best methods to awaken the Sahaswara, there are some other ways to support this chakra.
The Ayurveda Experience will give you open your chakras to live a healthier, happier life!
1.) Yoga – yoga poses that bring the crown of the head to the floor are good poses to stimulate the seventh chakra. These include the Salamba Sirsasana or the headstand, the Adho Mukha Svanasana or the downward dog, and the Matsyasana or the fish pose. Other yoga poses that help include the Savasana or the corpse pose, which is best done on the grass or on earth, and the Ardha Padmasana or the half lotus, a good meditation pose.

2.) Oil therapy – using essential oils during activities like massages, meditation, or prayer, also help awaken the Sahaswara. All of these oils have physical effects as well, from alleviating headaches and migraines to providing muscle relief. These include:
  • Frankincense – a holy oil, used for meditative contemplation.
  • Sandalwood – used to quiet the mind
  • Vetiver – used to calm and stabilize
  • Helichrysum – used to penetrate deep psychological barriers.
  • Lotus – general oil to be used for spiritual and emotional ailments
  • Rose oil – the oil with the highest spiritual frequency, it is used for spiritual insight, transformation, and harmony.
  • Lavender – aids in calmness and peace
  • Spikenard – promotes restful sleep, allows for emotional balance

3.) Gem therapy – amethyst, selenite, and sugilite, worn as jewelry or kept as trinkets, will help as well.

4.) Mantra sound and music – the mantra sound of Sahaswara is OM, and used during meditation or moments of finding peace and quiet can help stoke the Sahaswara. As well, listening to a binaural beats track for chakra activation stimulate the Sahaswara too!

Using carefully plotted binaural beat and isochronic tone frequencies, this all-in-one chakra meditational music track will help and guide you throughout your session. Each music segment will fade out indicating the next chakra point you need to focus on. Close your eyes. Feel the vibrations flow through you, and awaken with a much more relaxed state of being. Be One with yourself and your surroundings.

Listen to it now! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

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The Fifth Chakra: The Vishuddha, The First Of The Spiritual Chakras 
Transcending Barriers: Explaining The Religious Ties And Answering The Supposed Dangers Of Meditation

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Enjoy the benefits of meditation in just 15 minutes!

Discover The Secrets That Successful Chinese Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques!

Friday, August 28, 2015

Awaken Your Intuition With The Sixth Chakra: The Ajna, The Third Eye

We are nearing the end of our 7 part chakra series, having discussed the previous five the past week. This time, let’s talk about the chakra that allows you to improve your intuition, and give you a sight beyond normal sight, enabling you to be clairvoyant, telepathic, a lucid dreamer, and adept at imagination and visualization: the Ajna, or the Third Eye chakra.

What Is The Ajna?

Located between the eyebrows, the Ajna, which in Sanskrit means “beyond wisdom”, is the unseen yet potent third eye, and the source of your intuition. Ever experienced an instance wherein everything seemed okay, and yet you sensed that it wasn’t, and you ended up being proven correct?
That is your Ajna at work, at its basic level, when it is open and clear. At its advanced state, the Ajna allows you to see beyond what your eyes can, perceive the world through a “sixth sense”, which is on top of your normal five senses, and sense other people’s thoughts and feelings, and be vastly creative with your imagination. A closed or underdeveloped Ajna can cause you to be unable to understand properly, have clouded thoughts, be unable to focus, be prone to simply “go with the flow, follow the crowd” even if deep down what you are following is contrary to your beliefs.

On the physical level, the Ajna governs the eyes, head, the base of the brain, and the pituitary gland. An open Ajna gives you clear vision and a clear mind, whereas a closed or underdeveloped Ajna may cause sight problems, headaches and migraines, and other neurological side effects.

So it is important to open the Ajna and develop it further.
The Ayurveda Experience will give you open your chakras to live a healthier, happier life!
How to awaken the Ajna

One of the primary ways to begin awakening your Ajna is to trust your intuitions. Whenever you feel that “inner voice” which is trying to make you do something instead of your original plan, follow it. Even if it’s just with the simple things. For instance, you and a friend decide to eat at a restaurant. When you are about to order, you feel like maybe you should go somewhere else because the food might be bad. But you order anyway because your friend insisted, and you ended up having a bad meal.

Whenever you decide to follow your intuition, and it turns out to be the better decision, write it down and remember it to reinforce the fact that your Ajna guided you to the right decision.  Doing this regularly will stoke your Ajna more and more.

Other ways to open the Ajna are the following:

1.)    Meditation – one of the best ways to awaken and balance the Ajna, meditation, especially when the eyes are closed and one opens the mind to the universe, will often result to meditators feeling a tingling feeling, akin to a headache. When combined with the AUM mantra, focusing on the “M” and making it buzz like a bee, the meditation session can be even more powerful.

2.)    Yoga asanas – yoga poses wherein the forehead is pressed are good to open the Ajna. Poses like the Balasana or the child pose wherein the forehead is pressed on the floor or a block, and the dolphin pose, are two examples.

3.)    Light and Color therapy – the color of the Ajna is purple or indigo, and its element is Light. Wearing purple clothing or surrounding yourself with the color purple can help open the Ajna. As well, being bathed in light, like going outdoors on a nice sunny day, can also help.

4.)    Crystal therapy – wearing purple crystals and gems like amethyst, lapis lazuli, azurite, sodalite, and sugalite, as jewelry or as trinkets, can help.

Follow these steps and you too can have sharp intuition that can help guide your lives. As well, listen to this binaural beats track for chakra activation to help awaken your Ajna!

Using carefully plotted binaural beat and isochronic tone frequencies, this all-in-one chakra meditational music track will help and guide you throughout your session. Each music segment will fade out indicating the next chakra point you need to focus on. Close your eyes. Feel the vibrations flow through you, and awaken with a much more relaxed state of being. Be One with yourself and your surroundings.

Listen to it now! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

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The Fifth Chakra: The Vishuddha, The First Of The Spiritual Chakras 
Transcending Barriers: Explaining The Religious Ties And Answering The Supposed Dangers Of Meditation

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Enjoy the benefits of meditation in just 15 minutes!

Discover The Secrets That Successful Chinese Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Fifth Chakra: The Vishuddha, The First Of The Spiritual Chakras

We have previously discussed the three physical chakras, and the central chakra, the Anahata. This time, let’s talk about the spiritual chakras, starting with the very first one, the Vishuddha, the chakra of truth, faith, and understanding.

What is the Vishuddha?
Located in the area of the throat, the fifth chakra is responsible for your ability to speak, listen, and express yourself from a higher form of communication. It is the first of the spiritual chakras, controlling our faith and understanding, and can then be considered as the communication center of our very being. Physically, the Vishuddha controls the anatomical regions of the thyroid, parathyroid, neck, mouth, tongue, and larynx. The Vishuddha’s element is ether, or space, its color is blue, and its sense is hearing.

An open and balanced Vishuddha means that you can express yourself very well, verbally, emotionally, and spiritually, as well as have the ability to properly perceive what other people express outward. You are able to have very truthful verbal expression, regardless of any fears about possibly not being accepted or be judged by what you want to say. In addition, you are able to balance what you wish to say and what needs to be said tactfully and diplomatically, in order to keep relationships intact. Physically, it means your voice is clear, your throat feels smooth, and you have no feeling of roughness when speaking.

On the other hand, a closed or imbalanced fifth chakra can make you lie, be manipulative, arrogant, timid, silent, unable to express yourself verbally, even end up hurting people with your words. You lose the ability to be tactful, simply say what comes out even if that is not what you want to say or worse, not the truth. Physically, it can cause ailments and symptoms like laryngitis, sore throat, and others.
The Ayurveda Experience will give you open your chakras to live a healthier, happier life!

How to open the Vishuddha

Unlike the first four chakras, the awakening the Vishudda is easier if the first three chakras are aligned and opened first. The feeling of stability and safety from the first and second chakras, the courage and strength from the third chakra, and the love and compassion from the fourth chakra, makes it easier for the fifth chakra, which governs truthfulness, to be opened, as there is no fear of truth and there is the recognition of love in expressing the truth.

As such, the primary way to open the fifth chakra is to determine your highest truths, which can also be your true desires, what it is that are most true, and to be able to express it. Once you start doing this, you will be able to begin the journey to strengthen the Vishuddha.

In addition, practice being able to speak and listen with compassion, wit this three step procedure:
1.)    Ask yourself if what you are about to say is true.
2.)    Afterwards, ask yourself if what you are about to say is necessary.
3.)    And finally, ask yourself if what you are about to say is kind.

This is because even if you need to speak your highest truth, it doesn’t mean you can be harmful or unreasonably critical. The truth from within will be kind and compassionate.

Here are other ways to awaken the fifth chakra:
1.)    Sing, chant, hum, speak loud – these actions all engage the throat and the vocal chords, and the mere act of this can begin awakening your fifth chakra.

2.)    HUM mantra – use the mantra sound HUM when you meditate, relax, or even just when you’re alone and need a breather.

3.)    Yoga – practice the camel pose or Ustrasana, the bridge pose or the Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, the shoulder stand or the Salamba Sarvangasana, and the plow, or the Halasana, as these poses stimulate the thyroid and parathyroid glands and energize the throat area of the fifth chakra.

4.)    Drink water – water is the fluid of life, and is the best way to refresh and nourish the throat.

5.)    Wear blue clothes and have blue gems/crystals – wear blue clothes, and have gems like sapphires, blue topaz, lapis lazuli, aquamarine, and turquoise as jewelry or trinkets you can have around your person.

6.)    Music – in addition to singing, music aimed at awakening the chakras are recommended as well, like this binaural beats track for chakra activation.

Using carefully plotted binaural beat and isochronic tone frequencies, this all-in-one chakra meditational music track will help and guide you throughout your session. Each music segment will fade out indicating the next chakra point you need to focus on. Close your eyes. Feel the vibrations flow through you, and awaken with a much more relaxed state of being. Be One with yourself and your surroundings.

Listen to it now! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

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Transcending Barriers: Explaining The Religious Ties And Answering The Supposed Dangers Of Meditation

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Enjoy the benefits of meditation in just 15 minutes!

Discover The Secrets That Successful Chinese Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Centerpoint Of Love: Anahata, The Fourth Chakra

There are three physical chakras, the Muladhara, the Svadhisthana, and the Manipura, which we have already covered, and the three spiritual chakras, the Vishuddha, the Ajna, and the Sahaswara, which we will cover soon. Connecting them all together, and bringing balance to everything, is the central chakra, the fourth chakra, the Anahata, where the physical and spiritual unite.

What is the Anahata?

Located at the center of the chest, and encompassing the heart, cardiac plexus, lungs, and breasts, the Anahata, which means “unhurt” in Sanskrit, governs the heart and controls love, compassion, forgiveness, and healing from hurt and grievances.

The Anahata’s element is air, its color green, and its shape, the crescent moon.

Having a strong and open heart chakra, you become a paragon of love and compassion, have empathy to the plight of others, are forgiving and loving, and accepting of people’s true selves, faults and otherwise. Whereas a weak or closed Anahata can make you feel grief, sadness, anger, jealousy towards the achievements of others, be untrusting of people, and experience self-loathing and self-deprecation.

So in order to be a better force of good and love for the world and the people you care about, it is important to open the Anahata and keep it cleansed on a regular basis.

How to open the Anahata
The primary way to open the Anahata is to choose to uphold the essence of Anahata, which is top open the heart for love and forgiveness. Now, this may sound counterintuitive, after all, if your
Anahata is already closed, how are you supposed to do this?

One big yet not so easy step is to begin to let go of hurt done to you from the past. The simple act of even trying to let go of your hurt can turn from a trickle into a full on torrent of letting go of all the pain and wrongs done to you, which will free your Anahata to truly shine and make you be a paragon of love and compassion.

Once you have felt some letting go, your empathy will grow, which is when you place yourself in the shoes of others and understand how they feel and what they go through. This again will in turn open your Anahata!

The general rule is, give love to receive love, and when you’re both giving and receiving love, your Anahata will be strong and open.
The Ayurveda Experience will give you open your chakras to live a healthier, happier life!
 In addition to these, there are other ways to open the central chakra:

1.)    Heart opening Yoga poses – the yoga poses that open the chest and expand the ribs are the best yoga poses for the Anahata. These include the following:
  • Ushtrasana or the Camel Pose
  • Bhujangasana or the Cobra Pose
  • Uttanasana or the Forward Bend Pose

2.)    Color therapy – wear the color green, as well as have green items in your office or home.

3.)    Gem therapy  - gemstones that are of green shade, like emerald, malachite, jade, and rose quartz can be used, worn as jewelry, placed in the pocket, or have as decorative items in your home or office.

4.)    Green foods therapy – the abundance of overly green vegetables and foods make it fortunate for people who want to open the Anahata. Spinach, chard, collard, mustard greens, lettuce, sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, cabbage, peas, peppers, leeks, and many more!

5.)    Yum mantra sound, music – use the mantra sound of YUM when doing meditation, during certain yoga poses, and even at moments when you feel like your capacity for love and compassion are being tested. As well, listening to music for the heart chakra, like this binaural beats track for chakra activation, can help a lot.
Using carefully plotted binaural beat and isochronic tone frequencies, this all-in-one chakra meditational music track will help and guide you throughout your session. Each music segment will fade out indicating the next chakra point you need to focus on. Close your eyes. Feel the vibrations flow through you, and awaken with a much more relaxed state of being. Be One with yourself and your surroundings.

Listen to it now! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

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Enjoy the benefits of meditation in just 15 minutes!

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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Unleash Your Inner Warrior With The Third Chakra: Manipura


Personal power, self-esteem, confidence, and strength of will are all very important elements for a person to have the drive to achieve their goals. Without it, a person may become stagnant and unable to achieve, which is why it is important to know how to awaken and cleanse the chakra that governs these: the Manipura.

What is the Manipura?
The Manipura is the third and last of the physical chakras. Located around the navel area, where the solar plexus is, up to the breastbone, this is where our inner strength, self-esteem, warrior energy, and the will to change and transform comes from. Whenever you feel a surge of self-confidence and have a solid sense of purpose, motivated to achieve the things you set your mind to, your Manipura is at work and alive. And just the same, if you feel unconfident, insecure, suffer from indecision, and feel unreasonably angry, your Manipura is out of balance or blocked.

In addition, the Manipura also controls emotional strength. A strong Manipura will allow you to accept criticism and transform it into energy to change if the criticism is sound, and be unphased when criticism or insults are hurled your way. You do not fear rejection and failure, seeing them as opportunities to do better. A weak Manipura reverses all of that; fear of failure cripples you to inaction, criticisms and insults push you back further away from your goals.

Physically, the Manipura governs the body’s metabolism and energy generation, as well as digestion, since these two go hand in hand. Having an active Manipura gives you energy to do the things you wish to pursue, allow you to wake up feeling very refreshed, and give you the energy to get you through the day. A weak Manipura leaves you lethargic, constipated, unable to move without great effort, and even shortness of breath and dizziness in some cases.

So as you can see, it is very important to awaken the Manipura.
The Ayurveda Experience will give you open your chakras to live a healthier, happier life!

How to awaken the Manipura

One of the primary ways to awaken the third chakra is to have some goals or desires that you wish to achieve. Once you have these, take even the smallest of steps towards them, no matter how difficult it may be. Think of it like stoking a fire; you have to take care of small embers and tendrils of flame, despite being difficult, before it turns into a blazing fire that can give you warmth and light in your life.

The same is with the Manipura. Each small step you take while honoring your intention to achieve helps awaken and strengthen your third chakra, which in turn will make those steps come faster and larger! Which is quite appropriate, as the Manipura’s element is fire and the color is yellow, bright as the blazing sun.

As well, affirmations daily will help you stoke that inner fire. This includes affirmations like “I can achieve anything I desire”, “I believe in myself”, “I respect and honor myself and my goals.” Saying this daily in a mantra will keep the Manipura strong!

Other ways to open the Manipura include the following:

1.)    Yoga and meditation – virtually all of the strength poses of yoga help awaken the Manipura.

2.)    Strength foods – strength and healing foods such as the following help nourish the Manipura:
  • squash    
  • sweet potatoes    
  • pumpkins    
  • lentils   
  • yellow and orange peppers    
  • lemons    
  • corn   
  • yellow pears   
  • golden apples   
  • brown rice 
  • Oats

3.)    Color stimulation – wearing the color yellow, having yellow items in your room or office.

4.)    Gems and healing stones – use these gems and healing stones during your meditation, or simply by wearing them as jewelry or carrying them in your pocket. Any method that will keep them close to your person.
  • citrine
  • amber
  • sunstone
  • yellow jasper
  • golden tiger eye
  • yellow jade
  • golden calcite
  • yellow topaz

5.)    RAM and Music – the mantra sound of the third chakra is RAM. Chant this sound and feel the vibrations open and align your third chakra. As well, listen to a binaural beats track for chakra activation to help, like this one!

Using carefully plotted binaural beat and isochronic tone frequencies, this all-in-one chakra meditational music track will help and guide you throughout your session. Each music segment will fade out indicating the next chakra point you need to focus on. Close your eyes. Feel the vibrations flow through you, and awaken with a much more relaxed state of being. Be One with yourself and your surroundings.

Listen to it now! And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

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Enjoy the benefits of meditation in just 15 minutes!

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Monday, August 24, 2015

The Second Chakra: Svadhisthana. What It Is And How To Awaken It

Last time, we discussed the first of the physical chakras, the Muladhara, and how it governs safety, stability, and security. This time, let's discuss the domains of creativity, passion, and sexual virility, and the chakra that governs them all: the Svadhisthana.

What is the Svadhisthana?

The second of the physical chakras, the Svadhisthana is located above the pubic bone, just below the navel, and affects the entire genital region. Translated from Hindu, it means “where the self dwells”, which is appropriate since this chakra is what causes feelings of wellness, happiness, wealth, and pleasure. The element of this chakra is water, and is also the element of cohesiveness and being together with the self.

But the most important domain of the Svadhisthana is personal creativity, which is also what leads this chakra to open.

Creativity and the second chakra

Creation is creativity are part of human nature. Anything that involves creation, whether it be procreating the human race, painting, cooking, problem solving, anything that involves taking raw materials or ideas, whether it be physical or mental, and transform it to something new, is governed by the second chakra.

One of the challenges of modern life is that creative efforts are either discouraged or hard to execute, as more and more the rigors of modern life and the socio-economic challenges it brings forces us to diverge from this path. Oftentimes this phase ends at art class, for many people, and we turn into less creative beings, pigeonholed to being creative only for work. And as adults, we become used to simply conforming to what is told to us to be right, or what the trends are, or what's acceptable to our peers.

And this is why for many people, the second chakra is either blocked, closed, or out of balance. When we are then asked to abstractly create anything new, we encounter problems in doing so. Which is ironic, since many of the modern professions require people to be able to do this on a whim!
The Ayurveda Experience will give you open your chakras to live a healthier, happier life!
Opening or balancing the Svadhisthana

One of the primary things that need to be done to open the second chakra is to be open to the possibility of being creative in your life. Practicing any simple activity that requires some form of creativity, like writing, poetry, painting can work. But specifically, here are some ways to open or balance the second chakra.

1.)    Hip opening yoga asanas and postures - Yoga asanas that help to open and align Svadhisthana are
  • Seated pelvic circles: Sitting in a cross-legged or half-lotus pose with your hands on your knees, make circles with your torso. Go around in one direction 5 or 6 times and then switch directions.

  • Baddha konasana (butterfly pose) with forward fold: In a seated position, bring the bottoms of your feet together. Let your knees drop to the sides and bring your heels in close to your pelvis. Lengthen the torso and fold forward.

  • Bhujangasana (cobra pose): Lie on your stomach with your feet flat on the floor. Place your hands under your shoulders and slowly lift your head, chest, and abdomen while keeping your naval on the floor. Be sure to press down through the pubic bone toward the mat.

2.)    Dance – dancing is one of the best physical ways to open the second chakra. It doesn't matter which style or genre of dance you do, as long as your body is moving to the flow of music. This is because dancing incorporates mental creativity with physical creativity and thus stimulates the chakra.

3.)    Vam mantra – chanting the mantra “VAM” during meditation, yoga practice, or even simple silence sessions will help open and align the chakra. When doing this, make sure that the vibrations resonate and are felt throughout your body.

4.)    The color orange – orange is the second chakra's color. During meditation, imagining an orange light at the lower abdomen helps open the chakra. As well, wearing the color orange, eating oranges, carrots, squash, and other similarly colored foods, as well as aphrodisiac foods can help stimulate the chakra.

5.)    Improving your sexual life – having regular sexual interaction with your partner will open up the second chakra. And as the second chakra opens, so will your sexual life improve. It builds on top of itself!

6.)    Listening to music – your favorite or preferred genre of music will help stimulate the second chakra. As well, listening to this binaural beats track for chakra activation will help as well!

Using carefully plotted binaural beat and isochronic tone frequencies, this all-in-one chakra meditational music track will help and guide you throughout your session. Each music segment will fade out indicating the next chakra point you need to focus on. Close your eyes. Feel the vibrations flow through you, and awaken with a much more relaxed state of being. Be One with yourself and your surroundings.

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Transcending Barriers: Explaining The Religious Ties And Answering The Supposed Dangers Of Meditation
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Meditation for Physical Performance
4 Kinds Of Meditation That Will Bring Your Business To The Next Level

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Enjoy the benefits of meditation in just 15 minutes!

Discover The Secrets That Successful Chinese Know (That You Don't) About Attracting Money, Fortune, Success Using Simple, Ancient Feng Shui Techniques!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Muladhara: The Importance Of The Root Chakra And How To Open It

Chakras are the energy centers of the human body that govern many different domains, from the spiritual to the physical. Opening and aligning the chakras can yield many different benefits, making our lives better and healthier. The root chakra, or the Muladhara, is the very first one, and is the most physical of all chakras. Opening this chakra provides a solid foundation of all the chakras, and as such, is a crucial one to awaken.

What is the Muladhara?

Located at the base of the spine, at the pelvic floor and the first three vertebrae, the root chakra governs the person’s foundation, security, and safety in the physical realm. Literally defined as “root support”, the Muladhara is the very first of the chakras of matter, the foundation of the other chakras above it, and like a home’s foundation, everything relies on the stability it provides.

This chakra is composed of the things that provide you with stability and security in life, such as food and water, shelter, as well as emotional strength like courage and security; pretty much whatever it takes to survive, to persevere, and to continue in this world, is the domain of the Muladhara.

Imbalanced or blocked Muladhara

An imbalanced or blocked Muladhara can lead to a number of different problems, ranging from the physical to the emotional and even the spiritual. Physical problems may be colonic or digestive problems, like constipation, bladder issues, lower back/leg/feet pain, and for men specifically, prostate problems. Emotionally, anxiety, fear and distress, and nightmares about the present and the future may also be a sign of an imbalanced root chakra. Spiritually, it may lead to a crisis of faith, self-doubt about one’s place in the universe, and questioning one’s life.

If the root chakra is hyperactive, it can lead to aggression, overbearing control, inflexibility when it comes to change and progress, problems with authority, greediness, and overvaluing of one’s self. Physically, it can lead to overactive sex drive, irritable bowel syndrome, and weight gain.

If the root chakra is underactive, it can lead to feeling disconnected to the world or your friends, disorganization, fear, lack of focus and discipline, and an overall feeling of anxiety and dread. Physical manifestations include weight-loss, lack of energy, lowered sex-drive, anemia and a poor immune system.

The Ayurveda Experience will give you open your chakras to live a healthier, happier life!

Opening and healing the Muladhara

There are a number of different ways to open and heal the Muladhara, in order to rebalance and re-secure one’s life.

1.)    Affirmation of the Muladhara – one of the most powerful tools to open and heal the Muladhara is having an affirming mantra. Repeatedly saying “I am safe, I am secure,” “Things will be okay, I have the power to achieve,” “The universe will give me what I need,” and many other assuring mantras will reopen and rebalance your Muladhara.

2.)    Yoga asana poses – practicing specific yoga poses can help the Muladhara. These include the Pavanamuktasana (knee to chest pose), Janu Sirsansana (head to knee pose), Padmasana (lotus flexion), and the Malasana (squatting pose.) Even if you are not a yoga practitioner, performing these poses can greatly help the Muladhara. As well, tightening certain areas of the body via clenching help bring strong energy and strength to the Muladhara.

3.)    Color therapy – the Muladhara is associated with the color red. Wearing clothing that is red, and focusing on other red things, such as red roses and lighting red candles also help. Mentally, picturing a red lotus flower at the base of the spine can start the process of balancing the Muladhara.

4.)    Aromatherapy – the smell of sandalwood, cedar, rosewood, ginger, cloves, black pepper, rosemary, and other “earthly” smells can heal the Muladhara. Apply oils with these smells on your body, or enjoy an aromatherapy session while meditating or getting a massage that has these smells, and begin the healing of the Muladhara.

5.)    Nutrition – red foods, such as apples, strawberries, red cabbage, red meats, and beets, are all beneficial for the Muladhara. As well, other foods that have “roots”, like carrots and beans, and other high protein, “earthy” foods, like nuts and eggs, can nourish the root chakra.

6.)    Naturetherapy – since the Muladhara is connected to the Earth, experiencing its splendors can also help heal the root chakra. Walking barefoot on earth (like when walking on the beach or on grass), climbing a tree, going on a hike, or even just lounging in a nice, nature spot, will expose you to earthly energies that can rebalance the Muladhara.

7.)    Gem and crystal therapy – gems and crystals for the root chakra, like garnet, red jasper, black tourmaline, bloodstone, azurite, citrine, carnelian, obsidian, and smokey quartz, can be placed on the body during meditation or lying down, or worn around the neck or even just placed in the pocket, to heal the Muladhara.

8.)    Sound therapy – chants, toning sounds, and certain kinds of music can help the Muladhara. The chakra responds to the “C” note, and chanting LAM as a mantra resonates to the root chakra and stimulates it. As well, listening to a binaural beats track for chakra awakening can help, like the one below.
Using carefully plotted binaural beat and isochronic tone frequencies, this all-in-one chakra meditational music track will help and guide you throughout your session. Each music segment will fade out indicating the next chakra point you need to focus on. Close your eyes. Feel the vibrations flow through you, and awaken with a much more relaxed state of being. Be One with yourself and your surroundings.

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Thursday, August 20, 2015

What Are Chakras?

Within our bodies lie seven centers of spiritual power, focal points of the transmission and reception of energies: chakras. These chakras are swirling wheels of energy that correspond to each of the major nerve centers in the human body and govern our physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being.  They are aligned along the spine, starting from the base to the top of the head, where Prana, or vitality energy, flow, to keep us healthy and alive.

The Seven Chakras
The first three chakras are the chakras of matter, and are of a physical nature.

First Chakra: Muladhara – governs stability, security, and basic needs. It is located in the first 3 vertebrae, bladder, and colon. Keeping this chakra open and flowing gives us courage and safety.

Second Chakra: Svadhisthana – governs creativity and sexuality. It is located just above the pubic bone and below the belly button. Keeping this chakra open makes us creative.

Third Chakra: Manipura – governs personal power and energy. It is located between the belly button and the sternum.

Fourth Chakra: Anahata – the central chakra, this chakra connects the first three chakras and the upper three chakras, which are chakras of matter and spirit respectively. This chakra serves as a bridge for body and spirit, and is often called the heart chakra, which governs love and compassion.

The Ayurveda Experience will give you open your chakras to live a healthier, happier life!
The last three chakras are chakras of the spirit.

Fifth Chakra: Vishuddha – governs verbal expression, speaking of truth. It is located in the throat region and includes the neck, thyroid/parathyroid glands, the tongue, the mouth, and our teeth and jaws.

Sixth Chakra: Ajna – governs intuition and instinct, which gives us an “inner voice” or a “third eye” in perceiving and analyzing things. It is located between the eyebrows.

Seventh Chakra: Sahaswara – governs enlightenment and spiritual connection to the spiritual realms, the divine, and our own inner selves. It is located at the top of the head and is often the critical chakra when it comes to attaining inner peace and understanding of the universe.

Why must chakras be opened and aligned?

It is believed that our energies must constantly be moving, and therefore, the seven chakras have to be awake and opened, aligned and kept fluid, in order to be well. Imagine a car engine. If an engine’s valve is blocked by dirt and grime, eventually, this clog will cause everything to back up and cause other problems in the car, and left uncleaned too long, can cause the engine to eventually fail.

The same can be said about the chakras. With the body, mind, and soul all connected, the problem of one can affect the others, and therefore fixing this can affect the others as well. For example, a man recently lost his best friend. He develops a heavy cough soon after. Since his heavy feeling from the loss and the cough are both felt on the chest, where the heart chakra is located, once a connection is realized between the loss and the cough, healing can happen much faster if he properly grieves in addition to treating the cough, together as one.

There are many different ways to align and awaken your chakras, and we will cover these in our future blog posts, so stay tuned! In the meantime, listen to this binaural beats track for chakra activation here to get used to the idea:

Using carefully plotted binaural beat and isochronic tone frequencies, this all-in-one chakra meditational music track will help and guide you throughout your session. Each music segment will fade out indicating the next chakra point you need to focus on. Close your eyes. Feel the vibrations flow through you, and awaken with a much more relaxed state of being. Be One with yourself and your surroundings.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

How To Protect Yourself From The Monsters Of The Astral Plane

Travelling to the Astral Plane via astral projection is one of the most amazing experiences anyone can go through. Astral projection, in addition to letting us travel to any point of space and time, gives us access to this realm, where the soul crosses on the way to being born and after the physical body dies. Immaterial beings live in this realm, but while there are many benevolent entities like angels and good spirits living there, there are also malevolent entities that may seek to harm you. This is why it is important to be properly armed and protected during astral projection sessions.

Why are there dangers?

This is because the Astral Plane is actually composed of many different planes, and the lower astral plane is a repository of the collective evil and fear of humanity. Unfortunately, to be able to access the higher levels of the astral realm, this lower astral plane has to be crossed, and it is during this crossing that the dangers can arise. In fact, if an astral body is shining so brightly, even if they are in the higher levels of the astral realm, lower level, or lower vibrational entities, may still follow, as they are attracted by the bright glow of the astral body.

While there is no risk of actually dying  (read our article on astral projection and the silver cord here to find out more about death during astral projection) encountering a malevolent lower vibrational entity can be harrowing experience, and may even affect how you see astral projection and even the real material world once it happens.

What are the monsters of the Astral Plane?

If mankind has thought of it, feared it, it is there in the astral plane. Demons, evil spirits, ghosts, malevolent monsters, all reside in the lower astral plane. Remember, it is the repository of the collective evil and fear of humanity.

What these monsters seek and desire is the energy and light of your astral body. They are drawn to it like moths to a flame, even more so when they sense your fear and doubt.

Primary step: Raise your vibration
Lower vibrational entities are attracted to fear, doubt, sadness, hatred, and other negative vibrations. In order to not attract the attention of these malevolent beings, you have to raise your vibrations to a higher level, that of love, courage, joy, compassion. Once your frequency is higher, it will be very difficult for most lower vibration entities to see you, let alone reach you. In fact, being at this higher vibrational level will attune you to the other higher vibrational beings that you can interact with.
But despite this, lower entities may still end up encountering you, as your light will be bright and this is attractive to them.


Secondary step: Avoid, prevent, evade.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And the primary step to protect yourself from the lower vibrational entities is to simply avoid them entirely. More often than not, your inner instinct will give us a sense of what may be waiting for you in the astral plane at that moment if you astral project. If you feel uneasy at that moment, don’t astral project, and save it for another day.

Sometimes however, there may not be any forewarning. But when you astral project, and sense a lower vibrational entity coming or waiting far away, take a different route, or even go back to your body, wake up, and wait, until the being is gone. Usually these entities don’t stick around for too long, as they are constantly seeking people to latch on to.

Should an entity get attracted to your light and begin to head towards you, evade and run. Go to a different plane, or if needed, go back to your body. Don’t give them the chance to gain momentum and speed to reach you. The sooner you evade, run, or get out of their way, the better. Once they give up, they will stop the chase and you can continue on your way.

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Last resorts: attack, call for help
Should the above steps fail, and you have no choice but to confront the entity, you have to fight them off. But you do not go to battle unarmed and unprotected. Create your armor of light and your astral sword!

The armor of light is a protective cover of light that comes from within, drawing from the powers of love, compassion, and happiness. To be able to conjure up an armor of light, it is important to focus on thoughts of love and tranquility, all the while affirming to yourself that your beautiful thoughts are covering you in an armor of light. The process of creating an astral sword is similar, but you will have to draw from, and project, your own love outward into a weapon of light that can fight off the lower level beings.

Should an entity approach you, attack with no fear and commit to your desire to be at peace. Once you slice or stab at the entity, they will feel your love and begin to be repelled, if not vanish entirely. Attacks at you will be repelled by the armor of light, and keep you safe.

However, you are not always at 100%, and there are times when you are caught off guard and fear grips your heart. When this happens, it may be difficult to draw your astral sword and wear your armor of light. Calling for help is an option, for higher vibrational benevolent beings, like angels and spirits, to assist you in repelling the entity. Being entities from the same realm, they will be better at dealing with these entities than you at your fearing state.

Follow these tips, and you will have a very safe astral projection session. Also, remember, when in doubt, go back. Let the silver cord pull you back to the safety of your physical body, and try again when you are ready!

Another way to make sure you are safe during astral projection sessions is to attune your astral body properly beforehand. Listening to a binaural beats track for astral projection can help with that.

Created with multiple binaural beat frequencies that range from 3Hz to 22Hz, these Theta and Alpha waves are associated specifically to deep relaxation, meditation, creativity, lucid dreaming, access to subconscious images, conducive to inner peace, mystical truths, physical and emotional healing, and taps our ESP (extrasensory perception) as it assists for astral projection or an out of body experience. These frequencies also hold sleep spindles that will help you gain a good night's sleep after you travel the astral planes.

Related Articles:

The Astral Plane And The Silver Cord  
The Beginner's Guide To Astral Projection (Part 1)
The Beginner’s Guide To Astral Projection (Part 2)

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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

How To Interact With Lost Loved Ones Through Lucid Dreaming

The pain of loss is something that many of us do not wish to go through, but inevitably do, at some point in our lives. Whether it is a parent, a sibling, a friend, or a pet, it will happen. There can be many things that have been left unsaid or undone and it is too late, for our loved ones are gone. But there is a way to interact with those we have lost, whether to relive past experiences, to talk and have closure, or simply to continue to feel their presence even after they have gone. And that is through lucid dreaming.

First of all however, before you proceed, know that anyone you will talk to through lucid dreaming is created by your own subconscious mind, and not actual visitations from the dead. Although this is quite possible through other means, through lucid dreaming, it is simply an introspective way of interacting with our lost loved ones.

How Is It Possible?

Remember, lucid dreaming allows the dreamer to control one’s dreams, summoning from within one’s subconscious memories of our lost loved ones and creating in the dreamscape experiences based on what we know, feel, and remember about them. Our subconscious will remember what they sounded like, how they acted, their exact actions from memories, how they look, how they feel, virtually everything.

It is from this subconscious bank that our lucid dreams can manifest into one wherein we can interact with our deceased loved ones.

Learn the skills to unlock lucid dreaming fast and easywith the Lucid Dreaming Fast Track!

Is it a bad idea?

There will be people who may find the use of lucid dreams to speak to our passed on loved ones as unethical, fake, or even evil as it may be against a religious belief.  But the thing is, it will really depend on why you want to do it.

For example, if this is done to keep the memory of the loved one alive, or to remember all the good instead of just the bad, or to have some closure at the passing, then we see nothing wrong with using lucid dreaming in this way.

There are people who deal with loss in many different but similar ways, like looking at photo albums, watching old home movies, visiting places they frequented, and doing the things done by the deceased. Lucid dreaming experiences with them is no different.

So as long as the intent is pure, it shouldn’t be a bad idea.

How is it done?

It is important before you attempt this that you know how to perform lucid dreaming. We have numerous guides on the subject which you can find in the links below.  Once you have a good grasp of lucid dreaming, follow these steps.

1.)    Set your intent early in the day – as early as you wake up, set the intention of having a lucid dream experience with your lost loved one. Hold on to this intent for the rest of the day.

2.)    Pick a memory or a previous experience – to stimulate both your conscious and subconscious, recall a memory you want to draw from constantly during the day.

3.)    Prepare the room – once you’re ready, prepare the room for your lucid dreaming experience. Place items that will stimulate even more memories of the lost loved one, like photos, mementos, and so on.

4.)    Lay down and begin – sleep, and follow the steps to achieve lucidity, and start the lucid dream experience.

We advise that once the lucid dream starts, and the deceased loved one manifests, to not control the dream fully, but rather, simply experience it naturally and let the subconscious help. This can give new memories and experiences that may enrich the memory of your loved ones after you wake up.
To help guide you in the lucid dream experience, listen to our most popular binaural beats track for lucid dreaming here.

Using a complex pattern of binaural beat and isochronic tone frequencies dedicated to help you achieve good sleep and have lucid dreams, this 8-hour music track is divided into four unique sections. In the first 2 hours we've used frequencies that range from 3-13Hz (Alpha-Theta range) to help calm your mind and feel deeply relaxed. There is a pleasurable feeling of floating and it will give effects such as stress reduction, relaxed awareness, release of serotonin, and an induction to sleep spindles as your mind and body allows itself into sleep. It also contains triggers for creativity and imagery and access to subconscious images as you doze off.

The second and third sections contain more of the Theta waves, which are also present in dreaming, sleep, deep meditation and creative inspiration. As you have already fallen asleep, the binaural beats tap into your subconsciousness as your mind prepares itself into a lucid dream state. The music is more steady so as not to interrupt your sleep.

The fourth and last section returns itself to the Alpha range with a mix of Theta and Delta. This is where deep sleep occurs and more often than not, the dream state. There is a decreased awareness of the physical world. This section also contains the Earth Resonance or Schumann Resonance, which will leave you feeling revitalized upon waking up.

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