Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Famous People who Lucid Dream

We found an awesome list of celebrities and famous people who do Lucid Dreaming!

Nikola Tesla 
In the sphere of science, the dreaming mind of Nikola Tesla, one of the most fascinating scientists of the 20th century, was able to make entire prototype tests and designs of his inventions only using power of his mind, dreams and visualization. 
There are three moments in which he preceded the implementation of his achievements:
  • Imagination
    In the book „My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla“, Tesla said about imagination and early impulses: „Our first endeavors are purely instinctive, promptings of an imagination vivid and undisciplined. Those early impulses, though not immediately productive, are of the greatest moment and may shape our very destinies. Indeed, I feel now that had I understood and cultivated instead of suppressing them, I would have added substantial value to my bequest to the world. But not until I had attained manhood did I realize that I was an inventor.“
  • Visualization
    Tesla had strong power of visualization. His power of visualization was so brilliant that he could clearly see an object that even didn’t existed in the real world. He was able to make dream experiments in his mind.
  • Visual thinking
    This thinking phenomenon describes thinking in visual mode. It is also called Right brained learning, Picture thinking, Visual spatial learning. Before Tesla inventions were born in the real world, he built in his mind all preliminary work, without drawings and physical prototypes tests. One of the rare scientist who was also visual thinker was Albert Einstein. Thanks to this method he created his Theory of special relativity.
He possessed some extraordinary mental characteristics: an acute sense of hearing, visualization skills so vivid as to mimic reality, and bizarre eccentricities of habit and behavior. His visualizations enabled him to conduct realistic "dream experiments" while he was wide-awake in the lab. As a result, it is very tempting to suggest that, in his virtual laboratory, Tesla functioned one level above the lucid dream state. He had the ability, while being both physically and mentally awake, to run complex visualizations internally with all the realism and automaticity of a lucid dream world.

Salvador Dali 

Have you seen his artworks? One can only fathom at the depths of this surrealist painter's lucid dream experiences which shows so evidently in his paintings. He apparently used dream incubation techniques to further enhance and program his dreams. He also delved, created and developed a method called "critical paranoia", which is a state of mind wherein one is in a state of delusion while maintaining his sanity. 
Crazy genius, I say.

See more of his famous paintings HERE.

Chris Nolan 
As the director of Memento and The Dark Knight, Chris Nolan mined his own lucid dreams to conceive Inception. 
"I wanted to do this for a very long time, it's something I've thought about off and on since I was about 16," he told The Los Angeles Times. "I wrote the first draft of this script seven or eight years ago, but it goes back much further, this idea of approaching dream and the dream life as another state of reality."Intriguingly, Inception's main character, Dom Cobb, is played by Hollywood celebrity Leonardo DiCaprio who also had lucid dreams before starring in the movie. The role of Cobb in the tangled dream-within-a-dream plot is to implant an idea in the unconscious mind of his victim. 
While the idea of shared dreaming currently resides in the land of science fiction, we can't escape the inherent truths of this movie: that the dream architects consciously manipulate the dreamscape with all the realism of waking life. Also like lucid dreams, however, the unconscious mind has its own agenda...

Stephen King

In his 1995 novel, Insomnia, Stephen King writes about lucid dreaming; about an insomniac who begins to see things that are invisible and intangible to others: colorful manifestations of life-force surrounding people (auras), and diminutive white-coated beings he calls "little bald doctors", based on their appearance and perceives other planes of reality and their influence upon the "real" world.  

Could this renown writer have pulled inspirations from dreams and lucid dreaming? 

“Dreams are just another part of life. To me, it’s like seeing something on the street you can use in your fiction.”

"I've always used dreams the way you'd use mirrors to look at something you couldn't see head-on, the way that you use a mirror to look at your hair in the back. To me that's what dreams are supposed to do. I think that dreams are a way that people's minds illustrate the nature of their problems. Or maybe even illustrate the answers to their problems in symbolic language."

The Wachowskis

Famous for the movie, The Matrix, Andy and Lana Washowski were inspired with the aspects and experiences of lucid dreaming and incorporated this concept on how one would know if this reality is merely an illusion or not, which is primarily the meaning of lucid dreaming.

Taking this and pulling ideas from different religions, beliefs and metaphysical awakenings, the sci-fi movie established itself into a single entity that webs out into a vast array of underlying messages.

Who are we? Why are we here? What is our purpose? Are we co-creators? Would you rather live in the matrix or wake up from it? 

Will you take the red pill or blue pill?

Albert Einstein
The genius of the modern world, Einstein had mused on the concept of his dream world. One of his most famous quotes deals with the condition of consciousness: "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

His theory of relativity was inspired by a dream whereby he was going down a mountainside ever faster and watching the appearance of the stars change as he approached the speed of light.

"Einstein's Dreams" is a 1992 novel by Alan Lightman. It fictionalizes Albert Einstein as a young scientist who is troubled by dreams as he works on his theory of relativity in 1905. The book consists of 30 chapters, each exploring one dream about time that Einstein had during this period. The framework of the book consists of a prelude, three interludes, and an epilogue. Einstein's friend, Michele Besso, appears in these sections. Each dream involves a conception of time. Some scenarios may involve exaggerations of true phenomena related to relativity, and some may be entirely fantastical. The book demonstrates the relationship each human being has to time, and thus spiritually affirms Einstein's theory of relativity.

Which reminds me, I need to find a copy of that book.

Brainwave Power Music's Lucid Dreaming playlist

Created to help you achieve lucid dreaming and enhance the dream experience.

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