Sunday, March 29, 2015

8 Reasons Why You Should Let Go Of People Who No Longer Play an Importance in Your Life

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8 Reasons Why You Should Let Go Of People Who No Longer Play an Importance in Your Life

Sometimes, a decision is quite hard to face especially letting go of someone especially that person happens to be your friend, your lover, and anyone in between. It could really happen when you least expect it. Love is so superior because it has the ability to hurt us when it fails. Don't take the failure personally. Relationships fail every day, not always because there isn't enough love to go around.

Whatever the reason, learning how to move on from a person you loved deeply is an extremely difficult process, and it really takes time. Fortunately, it's done every day, and done with success. As we maturely grow, we are changing at different speeds and when it is time to go your separate ways, don’t ever hold on.

Here are some reasons why:

  • Let go because things are not the same anymore.  There is a saying, when you let go, you give yourself peace. Everything about holding on is torturous. You remorse, you feel ashamed and guilty, and you are opening the door of suffering. The only way to feel peace is to lessen the thoughts that threaten it. Letting go opens you up to new possibilities. When you are holding onto something, you are less open to giving and receiving anything else. You have to give to receive. Give love to get love, share joy to feel joy and it is only possible if you are open and responsive. It is hard to hold on to people in life, but always remember that you are fated to meet different people along your journey who will bring you different feelings of emotions.

  • Let go because the trust and loyalty isn’t there. Being loyal is a great quality. Don’t mix it up with oppression. Don’t take mistake willing to compromise the spirit of who you are and even your willingness to risk your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing, for loyalty and devotion. Loyalty, in the sense where we consistently communicate and establish our strong feelings of support, acknowledgement, care, trust, and respect. On both sides. Find someone with whom you can share your earnest secrets and you know that after walking away, his or her lips will remain tightly sealed. Find someone whose truthfulness will be unquestionable because his or her actions, rather than empty promises, bring you a peace of mind. 

  • Let go because you are unclear of where things stand. Being with those vague people or relationship is puzzling because you don’t know what you mean to the person, if anything at all. If the person can’t make you feel as though you are that important, think a hundred times why you are letting someone to treat you this way. Engage to those people who won’t take advantage your kindness simply because he or she knows you are not going to leave them.

  • Let go if the friendship or relationship is damaging to you. There comes a point when he or she would put you down at every opportunity. Seeing you laughing and smiling, he or she would say something to bring you down. Seeing you making progress, he or she would try to hold you back. This issue of toxic friendships isn’t unusual. We all have these people in our lives that leave us feeling miserable and drained of energy. We must not allow ourselves to feel stuck and used to being treated far less well than we deserve. Respect yourself enough to be able to walk away. 

  • Let go if you simply don’t see eye to eye. It is tough to make a relationship work if you can’t ever agree or see each other’s points of view. If the one thing you can agree on is that neither of you can agree, it might be time to walk away. In many friendships and relationships, people come together through unlikely chances, through their differences and lack of similarities. Therefore, it can work, but if you find that it’s a significant source of many of your arguments and tensions, end it now.

  • Let go if you’re the one fighting to make it work. It’s hard to let go of people because you become afraid to commit to any kind of certainty. However, letting go of people allows you to become stronger and braver. You will get past your fears of losing people. You’ll have to put yourself out there again and open yourself up to new people, but it will be okay. Find someone who makes you feel worthwhile and worthy. Find someone who fights to have you in his or her life. Find someone who knows how lucky he or she is to have you. Find someone who accepts everything you have done and will do. Don’t waste your time on anything less.

  • Let go if he or she doesn’t encourage you or believe in you. If you find that your relationship isn’t providing you with support, reflect on what the person is providing. You deserve someone who will be there to encourage you throughout your journey and believe in you maybe even more than you believe in yourself. If you choose to still hang around with bad friends, you can take comfort in the fact that they do make excellent teachers. That’s why it’s so important to forgive, love, and move on when you have to: We all deserve to be happy. We have the power to make it happen.

  • Let go if the relationship isn’t bringing you what you want and need. You’ll become more independent. Don’t ever allow someone to make you feel needy for wanting someone who will love, care and support you, someone who will listen and give you insightful advice, someone who wants the same things, someone you can trust and will be loyal to you, someone who believes so strongly in you and your capabilities. Just someone who makes you feel like you’re someone. You thought that you needed these people around. You relied and depended on them when you could. However, it’s time to let them go. It’s hard but you should do it because you will learn to stand on your own two feet. They were there to help you learn, but now you have to learn self-independence.

In this article, you will learn that it’s really a must to find friends that accept you and show good intentions. No matter who you meet, be yourself. In order for someone to be loved, they have to give their all to someone else. They have to be willing to accept their flaws, present them to their partner, and know that their partner will accept them too.

Both people must do their part to grow the relationship. Only then will both of you be satisfied with the relationship you have built. 

Discover your strength as you listen to our "Higher Thought" Binaural Beat Meditation & Self-Healing (Advanced Awareness) video.

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Thursday, March 26, 2015

Harvard Scientists Found Something Surprising About People Who Meditate

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Harvard Scientists Found Something Surprising About People Who Meditate

Did you know?

Science found new studies to prove the benefits of meditation to people. Yes, it’s true! Every day a new study is being released proving more and more of its great effects to humankind.

Harvard scientists discover that meditation is so powerful it can change the physiology of human’s brain, resulting in progressive changes like a decrease in anxiety and depression.

Scientists gathered 24 participants that have no experience in meditation within an eight week program on best practices for “mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR)”.  The program consisted of 2.5 hour sessions each week where participants learned “body scanning, sitting meditation, walking meditation and mindful stretching movements”. On the other hand, scientists also requested each participant to perform at least 45 minutes of boot camp and let them undergo a series of psychological evaluations to examine their anxiety and stress levels before and after the MBSR program.

These results were compared to a control group who went through no meditation training at all during the eight weeks.

Through these tests, scientists demonstrated the comparison where meditation made parts of the brain corresponding to emotion and perception thicker that eventually resulted in a significant after-training reduction of several psychological indices related to worries, anxieties, depression and alexithymia.

In this study, meditation has a very big factor to make more people emotionally accustomed and less depressed. This is really a good argument to spend time quietly reflecting every single day.

Meditation and other forms of relaxation and mindfulness not only can change our immediate state of mind correspondingly, but can also control the stress levels and ability to emotionally relate to ourselves and towards others. Mindfulness meditation has also been shown to help people with social anxiety disorder and proven benefits in stress reduction.

Meditating 20 minutes, twice daily will help you stay calmer, relieves anxiety, make better choices, and connect to a deeper place within. So, try our Meditation Music : Amazing Brain Sound Dopamin Booster Pineal Gland Activation video to fully satisfy your senses.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

10 Things People Who Love Their Lives Do Differently

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10 Things People Who Love Their Lives Do Differently

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

-Mahatma Gandhi

Are you happy with your life now? Are you happy of what you are now? Are you contented of what you have right now? These are heavy questions that we need to indulge deeply in ourselves. There are some people living their lives differently but they are happy. You have read it right, YES! They are HAPPY! They are living differently in a good manner. Some people are happier than others but it doesn’t mean they don’t have problems or difficulties, what they did are they changed their attitude and choose to be happy. Leave the past behind and courageously embrace the future ahead and aim for success. Success builds more success in future.

Having trouble loving yourself and facing problems in your life? Read these tips and it will surely change your perspective.

Stop trying to impress other people. The fear of social judgment wears many masks: shame, shyness, etiquette, perfectionism, and etc. Whatever it is, its effect is to limit, to pressure, to tighten. Why are we so concerned about what others think of us? Fear of social judgment also makes people think small. Achieving anything big is going to annoy some people, who will try to discourage you. If you encounter this type of people, don’t let them get in your way! Don’t pretend, instead, choose to be honest.

Do what you want and believe in yourself. Think of the things you want to do and don’t be afraid to do it but not because you think you have to do it. Start each day with positive energy and finish your day with lots of experience.

Love your friends but don’t rely on them. Be thankful for your friends who accepts and helps you. Appreciate each person you have in your life. You inspire each other’s lives. But don’t wait nor ask your friends to do something for you. Take the responsibility in yourself. Accept help or support from them but don’t demand. Live your life by your own. Don’t be too dependent to your friends, it may lead you to disappointments and sometimes it can cause misunderstandings or worst it ruins friendship.

Take the best in the moment and build your futureLive in the moment with no regrets about past or worries about future. Take each mistake as a lesson and grow through them. Build your future, dream big and take real action to achieve the goals. Don’t see success and failure as black and white. Happy people know that there is really no such thing as a complete failure even when things don’t go according to plan. Appreciate the opportunity for self-growth, the experience gained and the lessons learned.

Be specific but not close-minded. You have to understand what you are really seeking through attaining goals is a success, and success can come to you in many different ways. You may set on a particular career, partner or lifestyle, but be also an open-minded enough to spot other opportunities that comes your way which would provide the same feeling of fulfillment, just in an unpredicted manner.

Speak about positive things and stand your own principle. Learn to balance your energy and time. What to remember and how to fill the given day. Choose to see the positive things and speak about them. If you have nothing to say, give your smile to everyone and be thankful. Live your life by whatever philosophy you wish as long as you found truths that satisfy you but don’t be judgmental.

Discover something new each day. Whatever you have achieved, always remember that there are no borders or limits in the universe, in yourself and in your own life. Take a break and discover something new to reveal the beauty within and share it with others. Take time to travel, try new food or meet people. Treasure those beautiful moments and enrich your soul.

Enjoy the nature and be creative. Search your own melody, harmony, and inner peace. Spend time in nature to renew inner balance and get some inspiration. Be creative to discover your potential and don’t be afraid to use it creatively. Feel the touch of the wind, nourish the sunshine and listen to the birds singing. Let nature nurture your soul in freedom and harmony.

Take risks and don’t be afraid to be different. Don’t be afraid from failures, instead brighten up yourself and be cheerful in every situation. There is no room for wasting or missing opportunities. Just take it, live it and learn from it. Choose to be yourself all time even if somebody cannot understand you. Be brave enough to be unique and stop hiding and wear masks. Happy people have hopes, dreams and goals.

Don’t try to change others, instead learn to deal with them appropriately. Letting people be has not always come easy, and typically the problem reveals when certain expectations are not seen. Maybe expectations are really the problem. While it is ideal to be treated in a preferable way, everyone handles life differently.

As you get unstuck with your goals and dreams, and expanding your happiness, learn more and listen to our Beauty, Love & Harmony Alpha Waves Binaural Beats & Meditation video.

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If you liked Brainwave Power Music's original audio tracks, you can give your support by donating via the Paypal Donate button below, and it will help the team continue making more music.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Exploring Sex and Spirit through Lucid Dreaming

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Exploring Sex and Spirit through Lucid Dreaming

Imagine that while dreaming you actually apprehend that you are able to take mindful control over what is happening in your dreams, all of that while falling asleep. This is a sensation called LUCID DREAMING. An enormously intense and delightful dream state, in which you can make your every wish come true!

Vivid dream involvements are many times related with dreams about sex and sexuality. Erotic dreams play an essential role in the history, dream theory, and myths. If you have experienced lucid dreams, it will take you to the next level of excitement. Through improving the vividness and clarity of dreams, lucid dreaming can boost intense sexual dreams, and affectedly improves your dream experiences.

We dream because of our extreme activity that is constantly going on in our hidden minds and since sex is one of the most influential and exciting of all human drives, it's not so shocking that many dreams have a strong sexual content. If we have profound needs to do certain things, they are more likely to come out in our dreams where our consciences cannot prevent them happening while we are sleeping.

A wet dream happens to most guys and occurs when you have a sexually arousing dream during sleep, and your body releases semen through ejaculation. Medically termed as “nocturnal emission”. During the REM (rapid eye movement) phase of sleep, it is normal for guys to experience an erection and ejaculate. Your central nervous system spirits up and your body goes through the same physical reactions that happen when you're turned on in real life.

Exploring into lucid dreaming sexuality may have some unexpected results due to the power of the erotic energies, and here are some tips on how can you explore Eros safely in lucid dreams:

Eye Contact. Get focused on you dream. Dream figures can connect consent this way. Direct eye contact, especially in the powerful way you say, represents a strong connection with whatever the person or things represents because that happens in dreams and can lead to some ecstatic moments in and of itself.

Surprise Arrivals and Shape-Shifting Dream Figures. Often times we have a fantasy in mind but someone else present in the lucid dream. This is a gentle situation and only you can know what to do. Moreover, the dream brings vision when an unexpected dream character arrives. This person may have something to share that is not of a sexual nature. So pay attention to whispering dream figures. Our minds have deep connections between ecstasy and repulsion, so it’s important to stay grounded and remember that this is a dream.

Stay Flexible. Being flexible when discovering the sensual side of lucid dreaming is good. If you have a strange new fantasy that comes out of nowhere, remember that you are dreaming and in a safe place to explore new ideas. And who says you need to have a dream body to experience ecstasy? Above all, as with all forms of intimacy: love yourself. If you can’t love yourself, you can’t love anyone else.

Play Safe. Dream eroticism is just about the safest sex around. Thus, there are some valid concerns to consider because of the intense emotionality that is often accessed during lucid dreams. Often intimacy can cover the powerful psychological aspects that require the highest caution.

For some people, especially beginners, if you are feeling uncomfortable about lucid dream sexuality, talk with an adult you trust. Talking about it is the best way to allow you to feel more comfortable about this natural part of your development with respect, gratitude, and sincerity. You will learn that erotic lucid dreaming can be fun and fulfilling with the right information. So, educate yourself into a proper manner of lucid dreaming.

If you’re looking to bring your brainwaves down to a state more vulnerable to achieving lucidity, you may want to give our Powerful Raise Energy Vibration - Super Consciousness - for Love and Sexual Connection video a try.

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Monday, March 23, 2015

30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself Right Now

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30 Things to Start Doing for Yourself Right Now

All of us want to live with independence, happiness and love and be able to solve problems easily. Think positively and make happiness as your top priority.

How can we do this?

Here are the 30 things you need to consider in order to have a better, happier and successful life:

1. Start spending time with the right people. – Be around people who can push, challenge and inspire you for better. Connect to those people who see life positively.

2. Start facing your problems head on. – The best way to escape your problem is to face them. You can seek others people’s advice on what to do and what they did in similar situations like yours. You don’t have to solve every problem on your own and sometimes it feels better to have someone by your side, even if it is just for emotional support.

3. Start being honest with yourself about everything. – Have you been lying to yourself and is it time to start making happiness in the way that only you can? You can decide to be brave, stop lying and start being the person you know you want to be in thoughts, words, and actions. Sometimes, people try to hide who they truly are by trying to be normal and fit in with the crowd. To be honest with others about who you are in this world, you must first be honest with yourself.

4. Start making your own happiness a priority. – It’s not selfish to love yourself. Being aware of how we speak of ourselves is important to consider. If you are not happy right now, change your course and make a progress in yourself! Change your perspective and everything will fall into place. Always value your feelings and focus on yourself. The more you listen to yourself, the more successful you will be in finding your own answers.

5. Start being yourself, genuinely and proudly. – Self-confidence is the first step to happiness. Embrace that individual inside of you that has ideas, strengths and beauty like no one else. Never forget how lucky you are to be you. Be grateful. Be generous for those who are in need, and always say “thank you”.

6. Start noticing and living in the present. – Always remember that your present situation is not your final destination. The best is yet to come. Leave the past behind and start a new and happy life with your love ones.

7. Start valuing the lessons your mistakes teach you. – Experience is the best teacher. If you accept and embrace change, you will start looking for and finding lessons in it. Always see the positive side and choose a positive state of mind. Fight against self-destructions and concentrate on self-realizations.

8. Start being more polite to yourself. – Being polite can mean being dishonest, deceiving or even lying.  You have almost definitely been guilty of this at some point in your life and the chances are that you will recognize it in yourself as a regular manifestation. You must love who you are or no one else will.

9. Start enjoying the things you already have. – Always be content with what you have. Be thankful for the things like food, shelter, family, friends, and a stable job are all that's truly needed. Be yourself because you are amazing just the way you are. Be proud of what you have, it will empower you to be the best.

10. Start creating your own happiness. – Happiness is within your control and a responsibility at the same time. Find something that will make you happy and do it every day. Feel good about yourself every day and make it a habit.

11. Start giving your ideas and dreams a chance. – Give your dream a chance to live! Cultivate it daily with determination, inspiration, and creativity. Nourish it with passion, faith, patience, and positive expectation. Allow it to grow by surrounding yourself with people who are doing things with their lives, and who believe in working hard to make things happen.

12. Start believing that you’re ready for the next step. – Accept and be happy with the opportunities that come your way, and accept the challenges positively. It will help you grow and be a better person.

13. Start entering new relationships for the right reasons. – Choose peers you are proud to know, people you admire, who show you love and respect. Look forward to what people do, because a person’s actions are much more important than their words or how others represent them.

14. Start giving new people you meet a chance. – Everyone deserves a chance to express themselves. Like everyone said, the fair thing to do is give every new dish its own chance to impress us, the same goes with life, especially our relationship towards others.

15. Start competing against an earlier version of yourself. – Renew yourself for a better you. Be inspired by others, appreciate others, learn from others, but know that competing against them is a waste of time.

16. Start cheering for other people’s victories. – Appreciate other people’s success and be thankful on what you are right now. Don’t be envious if others get better job than you. Instead, be happy for them and strive for your best to succeed.

17. Start looking for the silver lining in tough situations. – Always believe in yourself. Be brave at all times. If you’re feeling down, have courage and seek for guidance to lead you to a better direction.

18. Start forgiving yourself and others. – Show compassion to yourself. If you want to live a long and happy life, you must forgive the unforgivable. This is the kindest thing you can do for yourself. Your enemy may not deserve to be forgiven for all the pain and sadness and suffering decisively caused on your life, but you deserve to be free and be happy. So learn to balance trust and wisdom.

19. Start helping those around you. – Care about people. Guide them if you know a better way. The more you help others, the more they will want to help you. Be generous to other people. Love is giving.

20. Start listening to your own inner voice. – If it helps, discuss your ideas with those closest to you, but give yourself enough room to follow your own intuition. Be true to yourself. Say what you need to say. Do what you know in your heart is right.

21. Start being attentive to your stress level and take short breaks. – Take a deep breath and slow down your emotions. Meditate. Find your inner peace and it will help you gained courage and wisdom.

22. Start noticing the beauty of small moments. – Instead of waiting for the big things to happen — marriage, kids, big promotion, winning the lottery — find happiness in the small things that happen every day.  Little things like having a quiet cup of coffee in the early morning, or the delicious taste and smell of a homemade meal, or the pleasure of sharing something you enjoy with someone else, or holding hands with your partner.  Noticing these small pleasures on a daily basis makes a big difference in the quality of your life.

23. Start accepting things when they are less than perfect. – It’s better to accept and appreciate the world as it is, and people as they are, rather than to trying to make everything and everyone conform to an impossible ideal.  Learn to love and value things when they are less than perfect.

24. Start working toward your goals every single day. – Always dream for your future. Inspire yourself with a person who believes in you. Goal setting is the key to success. Stand up for yourself and have courage to fight those uncertainties.

25. Start being more open about how you feel. – If you’re hurting, give yourself the necessary space and time to hurt, but be open about it. Talk to those closest to you. Tell them the truth about how you feel. Let them listen.  The simple act of getting things off your chest and into the open is your first step toward feeling good again.

26. Start taking full accountability for your own life. – An alternative way to think about past mistakes is to admit them for what they are. We are all born with no idea about life or the way to keep ourselves happy. As we get older we learn from experiences and change our strategies for living. Part of this experience is that we make inevitable mistakes. It’s part of being human. 

27. Start actively nurturing your most important relationships. – You don’t need a certain number of friends, just a number of friends you can be certain of. Connect with those people who are kind and accepts you for who you are. Stay blessed with them and be thankful.

28. Start concentrating on the things you can control. – You can’t change everything, but you can always change something.  Wasting your time, talent and emotional energy on things that are beyond your control is a recipe for frustration, misery and stagnation.  Invest your energy in the things you can control, and act on them now.

29. Start focusing on the possibility of positive outcomes. – You can’t control everything that happens to you, but you can control how you react to things.  Everyone’s life has positive and negative aspects whether or not you’re happy and successful in the long run depends greatly on which aspects you focus on.

30. Start noticing how wealthy you are right now. – When times are tough, it’s always important to keep things in perspective.  Be grateful for all the things that you have. Be thankful and be blessed.

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Accept the challenge and find out more about yourself. Listen to our Love Thyself - Theta Wave Binaural Beat Music video to motivate you of becoming a great person.

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Friday, March 20, 2015

How Do You Dispel Negative Energy From Other People?

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How Do You Dispel Negative Energy From Other People?
- Some Quick Tips to Protect Yourself -

Are you an emotionally sensitive person? An empath perhaps?

For those people who are extremely sensitive and who can be highly emotional may want to place protective rainbow layers around themselves, because empaths are likely to experience the world through the metaphysical receptors of their hearts, which can be challenging and emotionally heavy or painful; picking up and absorbing energy everywhere they go, which is why it is very essential for them to have strong boundaries of protection. It is absolutely important for those who are empathic to envision a positive energy at all times as a psychic shield.

Most people want to attain a state of mind in which we control our own emotions. This is what we call, emotional freedom. Sometimes we feel negative emotions such as anger, fear, depression, etc. From an active outlook, these can originate from several sources. What you are feeling may be your own, or it may be from someone else's or a combination. These are a type of energy that can be transferred from one person to another and you can possibly get these energies without noticing it.

To disengage yourself from unwanted negative emotions, here are some strategies that you could apply:

  • First, ask yourself: Is the sudden change in emotion mine or from others? It could be both. Try to locate the source of that feeling. For instance, you went to a concert, you were loud and happy yet you came home feeling sad and blue. Could be exhaustion brought by the high-energy felt from the concert or you may have picked up the low-energy of the people beside you. It's quite intriguing how our energy fields connects with everything around us.

  • Distance yourself from the alleged source. Change course at least twenty feet away and for a few minutes, assess yourself if you are already okay. In a public place, don’t hesitate to change place if you are not comfortable with the people near you.

  • For a few minutes, focus yourself by absorbing on your breath that connects your inner peace. Keep exhaling negativity and inhale serenely with calmness. This helps you relieve and get rid of fear or other difficult emotions.

  • Practice loving-kindness meditation to release stress. It’s comforting and builds a sense of safety and cheerfulness.

  • Protect yourself.  Block those negativities or physical discomfort but allow those positive emotions to flow through you.

  • Be attached to those people with positive outlook and handle such situations positively. Call a friend that has a good influence in you. Spend time with a colleague who upholds positivity. Listen to optimistic people. Hope is contagious and it will boost your mood.

  • Take a cold shower and visualize the water washing away those negative energies. This is another form of energy cleansing.

  •  Meditate regularly.

Meditation can also be very helpful for getting focused within yourself and getting to know what is going on within you. The most interesting thing about evolving and improving empathic abilities is learning to distinguish between what feelings, sensations and emotions are yours, and what belongs to someone or something else.

Follow these strategies and make it a habit. It will help you to understand that everything takes time and you have to keep going. It’s natural to encounter problems in the beginning, but these difficulties will make you a more positive person as you move forward.

To get rid of negative energy and develop a balance mind, listen to our Extremely Powerful Pure Clean Positive Energy - Raise Good Vibrations – Binaural video.

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Freeing Yourself from Depression through Meditation

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Freeing Yourself from Depression through Meditation:
A Quick Guide

Depression is the feeling of being utterly dejected or dispirited and is an upsetting state of mind. It reduces a person's energy in trying to maintain interest in life, which can lead to become a serious illness. There are many stages or levels of depression, and there are various ways on how victims find resolution to the core of the problem. Many people can testify that the rock-bottom experience motivated and led them to learn how to meditate. Some people, who agonize from slight to moderate depression, can benefit from the practice of daily meditation and it can be very helpful for treating anxiety and depression, whether the depression is situational, which are caused by external events or by chemical imbalances in the brain and body. Research has shown that learning and practicing how to meditate can dramatically reduce the chances of deterioration for those who have suffered repeated depressions.

The tricky part into battling depression always starts with yourself. It is the Battle of the Self. How we look at the world; society; relations; self-worth. How we value ourselves. The choices we make. The experiences we endure. It usually takes just one small trigger of some social or personal event that can create a domino effect of self-doubting thoughts that stretch out into a web, and for some they will find themselves tangled up and deep in the hole at too late a time. It takes years for some to get out of their depression, others could go quicker. But we all have to go through with that roller-coaster of a ride and actually observe, acknowledge, analyze and take action to fully understand, become aware, and find solutions to get out of the depression rut. It is never an easy road, for the mind can be very deceiving.

You wouldn't even know that the people around you, family or friends, colleagues or strangers, were actually going through some form of depression. There will always be a different facade than what they would actually want to reveal to the public. This type of scenario, of a person not showing signs of depression, is a bit of like a tug-of-war situation for me, but of course it will all depend on the people involved. On one side, it's kind of good because the victim does not want to spread the negative vibe of his or her depression to others, thus saving them from feeling annoyed and tending to stay further away than helping. You know how there are some people who seem to release a very heavy vibe or aura? Yeah. Now, on the other side of the coin, it is not always good for the victim to handle his or her depression alone. This can always lead to more dangerous situations. There should always be a balance of knowing when to ask for help from others and buckling down to take care of the battle by yourself.

And one way to start wining the battle is through the daily practice of MEDITATION.  

Here are some simple techniques that emphasizes on meditation practices that are highly beneficial for the body and mind:
  • Find a quiet place to meditate. For people suffering from depression, an ineffective attempt to calm yourself for meditation in the middle of a hectic situation can actually cause more harm than good so it’s better to be in a place where you can feel the silence and peace of mind.
  • Sit straight with your spine about an inch from the back of the chair, and your feet flat on the floor.
  • Close your eyes. Focus on your breath as it drifts in and out. Do not try to change the pattern your breathing. Keep it slow and steady.
  • After a while your mind will stroll. Gradually bring your attention back to your breath. The act of understanding that your mind has strolled and bringing your attention back is a good thing. This is awareness. And your goal is to achieve detachment from all things. Self-reflection will occur during these quiet times, and it is best to pay attention to them first before putting them aside.
  • Your mind will eventually become still and quiet.
  •  Repeat every day for 20-30 minutes.

Meditation is a self-realization. The most important reason for beginning the practice of meditation is the desire for self-realization and to understand who you really are. Spend more time and energy pursuing and keeping good health in any other aspect of your life like family, career and achieving happiness, because everything that is important and good around you depends on a stable and balanced persona. There will always be light after the storm, so always be hopeful that one day you won’t have to fight so hard anymore to get normal sanity back because there are lot of ways to fight depression.

To help you feel good, feel better, and to initiate a sense of security and well-being, balancing your emotional and spiritual persona. Listen to our Vital Energy: Meditation Music for Depression, Anxiety and Chakra Balancing video.

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